My sister the serial killer

Author:Oyinkan Braithwaite
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
Original publication date: July 2017
Book description: When Korede's dinner is interrupted one night by a distress call from her sister, Ayoola, she knows what's expected of her: bleach, rubber gloves, nerves of steel and a strong stomach. This'll be the third boyfriend Ayoola's dispatched in, quote, self-defence and the third mess that her lethal little sibling has left Korede to clear away. She should probably go to the police for the good of the menfolk of Nigeria, but she loves her sister and, as they say, family always comes first. Until, that is, Ayoola starts dating the doctor where Korede works as a nurse. Korede's long been in love with him, and isn't prepared to see him wind up with a knife in his back: but to save one would mean sacrificing the other.

It was a disappointment because I had such different expectations for how this would go or the nature of the relationship between the sisters. 
Ayoola is very selfish, manipulative and doe snot seem to care about her older sister. Their mother is a horrible person, she is such a toxic mother, the type of person you wish to not have in your own family. She is vain, arrogant, selfish and very unmotherly, she clearly cares only for one o her daughters and looks down on the other. The favorite one is not picked due to any usefulness its simply because of looks, she looks cuter then she deserves love.
What type of mother is that?
I know that this was used to point out a flaw in society but still it angers me.
The sisters do not love each other unconditionally, Korede actually dislikes her sister, she is jealous and naive. She feels a responsibility towards her younger sister and protects her secret (in a way) for that reason.
Korede has very low self-esteem and criticizes her sister's choice in men, yet at the same time, she does the same thing. She "loves" a man over her sister without knowing him at all. And when she finally seems him for what he is, she still continues to care for him yet in the last second has to make a choice. A choice she struggles with until the very last few seconds.

It is interesting, it points out the flaw of plenty of people, society and oneself. 

It comes out almost like I didn't like it, I did.
But it was very different from what I expected so it left me feeling mixed about it.

I still give this 3 maybe 3.5 stars.

This was used as part of my reading challenge for the Good Reads Choice awards 2019. I really hope this year I actually keep at it.
At least so far I am tackling quite a few this month. So it will look a bit better by the time I do the wrap-up.

The first 3 months I have to read books from the categories:
-Historical Fiction

So I am not sure if I should do a discussion per quarter or just do a big one at the end of the year. 
Not really good at planning, I usually change my mind too often. 


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