Ask Again, Yes

Author: Mary Beth Keane 

Genre: Contemporary
Original publication date: May 2019
Book description: Francis Gleeson and Brian Stanhope, two rookie cops in the NYPD, live next door to each other outside the city. What happens behind closed doors in both houses—the loneliness of Francis’s wife, Lena, and the instability of Brian’s wife, Anne—sets the stage for the explosive events to come.


This started ok, it was about two marriages and two wives who do not get along.
Then it starts to speed up as the children grow up and grow together. This was a slice of life, but there was drama coming and going one thing after the other.
A huge tragedy marked them, but things are not easy. 
Kate and Peter are the center of the story but not only them their parents and them even as they are grown married and having their own children, how even after tragedy you can't be perfect. ou can deny there are problems, you can want to not repeat other's mistakes, but you can also lie to yourself.

I think this story is good, has good arguments about forgiveness, about fighting for what you want, about caring for your family, about understanding that sometimes things left unsaid can flourish in the worst possible way and unleash consequences nobody expected, usually bad ones. The urge of seeking help, the not demonizing those who are not well, accepting that if treated people can be just as trustworthy and good as anyone else.
This shows a lot of acceptance and a few good advises about life. Yet I did not really enjoy my reading of it.
I got annoyed, I was angry about how some of the characters acted, their lack o communication, some of their decisions, I mean it was all too real and I disliked the feelings it brought out. 

This was read also for the challenge Good Reads Choice Awards 2019
At least this year I will try to actually get through as many as possible and see how I feel about it.

I decided to give this 3 stars because it was not bad but it was simply not the most
suited for me, but can't complain much


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