Emilia and the treasureless journey

Authors: Carmen Leñero and Xan Lopez Dominguez
Genre: Contemporary
Original publication date: April 2009
Book description: There are no more lands to discover, no more monsters to capture. It's possible that even before the XX century began all buried treasures were unburied and all sunk ships explored. But if you build a ship is to travel somewhere and maybe discover that our dreams are found in the missing jigsaw puzzle pieces. 

Emilio is a very imaginative child. He has a lot of support on his family and even being an only child he still finds ways to make himself busy. He has a very vivid imagination. 
He had issues that he had not worked through and in his dreams, he comes to face things he does not want to accept consciously. It makes sense but still, I liked the way it was done.
The only bad side, it felt to be too long, it was a very short book but it did go on for a while.
I enjoyed my time reading it.
The family here was not perfect but it was not an awful one, that felt refreshing, lately, most fiction pieces represent abusive parents, very bad bullying situations at school, a harsh social environment and the kid being isolated and no one to lean on.
This was not like that. 

Emilio creates his safe heaven and then his ship and travels to his journey but not sure where he is going.
I just loved it! He has such a vivid imagination and he speaks like he's much older than what he is supposed to be, so take it as a very childish and mature boy.

This book was used for the Draw TBR game for Short read.


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