Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe

Author: Melissa de la Cruz
Genre: Contemporary, Retelling
Original publication date: October 2017
Book description: Darcy Fitzwilliam is 29, beautiful, successful, and brilliant. She dates hedge funders and basketball stars and is never without her three cellphones—one for work, one for play, and one to throw at her assistant (just kidding). Darcy’s never fallen in love, never has time for anyone else’s drama, and never goes home for Christmas if she can help it. But when her mother falls ill, she comes home to Pemberley, Ohio, to spend the season with her family.

So Darcy is not my favorite character. I like some of her characteristics but then again she falls into the troupe of a woman who wants to be independent and one of her fights against society is the fact that she has to get married and she ends up wanting that super fast with someone she does not even know.
She is a very flimsy girl, she gets together with someone and then leaves them then get together then leave them. I hate that so much!! If you break up then move on do not play with people's or your own feelings, that's so immature and annoying! 

Luke and Darcy do not pull me too much, their personalities are flawed in a way that bothers me personally. 
Luke is prejudiced in a way that makes me angry, he likes Darcy simply because she looks good, he does not seem to know her very much and they do not spend too much time getting to know her but they jump right into the relationship. I mean the relationship is meant to get to know each other but they have a lack of communication. 
I liked it when the family feuds get cleaned up and when the couple get their things together, all solved thanks to having a conversation. I mean that could have happened sooner and that could have been better.

I did enjoy reading it, I like the ideals Darcy has, I like the ending a bit, I like the family relationships, also I like the Bennets a bit better this time than the original but it had some of the things I personally struggle with.
The family focus this time is in the Darcy's, the father seems to be very prideful and have very old fashioned beliefs like a woman should simply marry and do house while his only daughter is the "independent" but not really because she ends up exactly that getting married but oh well. It is a romance and you know where the story is going anyway.
Luke leaves a lot to be desired, he has a specific interaction with Darcy where he tells her off very bad and hurts her feelings very bad and in the end, the reason why he said it, feels too meh. I insulted you very much simply because I was interested in you and I did not feel worthy of you and the other woman who I proposed to and planned to marry made me tell you off and hurt you. I hated that attitude!
It felt like making an excuse and placing blame on other people.

Oh my, I found more issues than I expected. As I finished it was ok, now it feels like I disliked it a lot.

It was an ok read but I don't think I will be rereading it anytime soon.
I am struggling between a 2.5-3.0 stars. But as time goes on I realize I did not like it very much so I'll leave it at:

It was not awful, but not the best characters and the plot was not all that surprising as you already know the gist of the whole thing, it is, after all, a retelling.

This book was part of my Draw TBR game, used to accomplish the REtelling prompt. 


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