All unread books

So this is going to be my way to be accountable for the end of the year. This will be the list of the physical books, the digital and the ones I have collected in my Kindle I might take a look at them. 

Let's see how many books I manage to read.

  1. Little Broken things, Nicole Baart. Mystery book.
  2. Since you've been gone, Morgan Matson Ya Contemporary
  3. Daughter of the Pirate King, Tricia Levenseller. YA Fantasy
  4.  The firm, John Grishman. Mystery thriller
  5. The complete novels of Jane Austen
  6. Requiem, Lauren Oliver Dystopian (Delirium #3)
  7. Lord of Shadows, Cassandra Clare. YA Fantasy.
  8. Lairs of Dreams, Libba Bray. Historical Fantasy Fiction 
  9. A swiftly tilting planet, Madeliene L'Engle Middle-Grade Scifi
  10. Many waters, Madeliene L'Engle Middle-Grade Scifi
  11. An acceptable time, Madeliene L'Engle Middle-Grade Scifi
  12. A clash of kings, George RR Martin Fantasy
  13. A storm of swords, George RR Martin Fantasy
  14. A feast of crows, George RR Martin Fantasy
  15. A dance with dragons, George RR Martin Fantasy
  16. The well of ascension, Brandon Sanderson Fantasy
  17. The hero of ages, Brandon Sanderson Fantasy
  18. Don quijote de la mancha, Miguel de Cervantes
  19. Dientes de dragon, Michael Crichton Scifi
  20. Lady Midnight, Cassandra Clare YA Fantasy
  21. El laberinto de la Soledad, Octavio Paz 
  22. Doctor Sleep, Stephen King
  23. I know why the caged bird sings, Maya Angelou
  24. El amante japones, Isabel Allende
  25. El juego del Angel, Carlos Ruiz Zafon (El cementerio de los libros olvidados)
  26. 100 años de soledad, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  27. The Eye of the world, Robert Jordan (The wheel of time #1)
  28. The dragon reborn, Robert Jordan (The wheel of time #1)
  29. The great hunt, Robert Jordan, Fantasy
  30. 9 Dragons, Michael Connelly Mystery Thriller
  31. Something strange and deadly, Susan Sorosiak Scifi (Something deadly and strange #1)
  32. By the light of the moon, Dean Koontz Thriller
  33. The sinner, Tess Gerritsen Mystery (Rizzoli & Isles #3)
  34. Walking disaster, Jaime McGuire Contemporary
  35. The invisible girl, Sarah Thebarge Nonfiction
  36. After, Anna Todd Contemporary (After #1)
  37. After we fell, Ana Todd Contemporary (After #3)
  38. Vampire Diaries, LJ Smith 
  39. Sweet adventure, Maya Banks
  40. El señor de los Anillos: la Comunidad del Anillo , JRR Tolkein (El señor de los anillos #1)
  41. Junjo Romantica 1-6, Shungiku Nakamura
  42. Blue exorcist vol 9 and 10, Kazue Kato
  43. Labyrinth lost, Zoraida Cordova Fantasy (Brooklyn Brujas #1)
  44. La vida, el tiempo y la muerte, Fanny Black-Cereijido, Marcelino Cereijido
  45. Poirot investiga, Agatha Christie 
  46. Les Miserables, Victor Hugo
  47. Grimms complete fairy tales
  48. La mision del bufon, Robbin Hobbs Fantasy (The twany man #1)
  49. Las nabes de la magia, Robbin Hobbs Fantasy (the liveship traders #1) 
  50. Las nabes de la locura, Robbin Hobbs Fantasy (The liveships traders #2)
  51. Las nabes del destino, Robbin Hobbs Fantasy (The liveship traders #3)
  52. Aprendiz del asesino, Robbin Hobbs Fantasy (Farseer trilogy #1)
  53. La busqueda del asesino, Robbin Hobbs Fantasy (Farseer trilogy #3)
  54. A giant problem, Tony Diterlizzi and Holly Black (Beyond Spiderwick #2)
  55. The wyrm king, Tony Diterlizzi and Holly Black (Beyond Spiderwick #3)
  56. Una llama entre cenizas, Sabaa Tahir YA Fantasy (An ember in the ashes #1)
  57. Una antorcha en las tinieblas, Sabaa Tahir YA Fantasy (An ember the ashes #2)
  58. The way of the kings, Brandon Sanderson Fantasy (The stormlight archive #1)
  59. Words of radiance, Brandon Sanderson Fantasy (The stormlight archive #2)
  60. Oathbringer, Brando Sanderson Fantasy (The stormlight archive #3)
  61. Niña buena, niña mala, Ali Land Mystery/Thriller
  62. La chica de antes, JP Delaney Mystery/Thriller
  63. La isla, Asa Avdic Mystery/Thriller
  64. El testamento, John Grishman Mystery/Thriller
  65. El secreto de Chimneys, Agatha Christie Mystery/Thriller
  66. Tragedia en tres actos, Agatha Christie Mystery/Thriller
  67. La casa torcida, Agatha Christie Mystery/Thriller
  68. La suma de los dias, Isabel Allende Nonfiction
  69. El plan infinito, Isabel Allende Fiction
  70. El padrino, Mario Pozo Mystery/Thriller
  71. Wool, Hugh Howey Scifi (Silo #1)
  72. Semiosis, Sue Burke Scifi (Semiosis Duology #1)
  73. Mary Poppins comes back, PL Travers Fantasy (Mary Poppins #2)
  74. Mary Poppins opens the door, PL Travers Fantasy (Mary Poppins #3) 
  75. Mary Poppins in the park, PL Travers Fantasy (Mary Poppins #4)
  76. The count of Monte Christo, Alexandre Dumas
  77. The subtle knife, Phillip Pullman Fantasy (His dark materials #2)
  78. Tha amber Spyglass, Phillip Pullman Fantasy (His dark materials #3)
  79. The Hobbit, JRR Tolkein 
  80. The fellowship of the ring, JRR Tolkein Fantasy (The lord of the rings #1)
  81. The two towers, JRR Tolkein Fantasy (The lord of the rings #2)
  82. The return of the king, JRR Tolkein Fantasy (The lord of the rings #3)
  83. Complete Oz Collection Vol 1 to 5 L. Frank Baun
  84. Dune, Frank Herbert Scifi (Dune #1)
  85. The complete fiction of HP Lovecraft
  86. Hamilton the revolution
  87. Before they are hanged, Joe Abercrobie Fantasy (The first law #2)
  88. Last argument of kings, Joe Abercrombie Fantasy (the first law #3)
  89. Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
  90. Yo Robot, Isaac Asimov
  91. The inheritance trilogy, NK Jemison
  92. Armando Hoyos, Eugeno Derbez
  93. Everybody sees the ants, AS King
  94. Soy Leyenda, Richard Matheson
  95. Saga Compedium One, Brian K Vaughan
  96. Red Seas under red skies, Scott Lynn Fantasy (The gentleman bastards #2)
  97. The last star, Rick Yancey Scifi (5th Wave #3)
So considering that I refused to go through the books and merely used the list of the books I owned so this is the approximate list of books I own and have yet to read.
I want to have read all of them. If some come after this, those we'll see. 


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