The Queen's Knight Vol 2

Author: Kim Kang Won 

Genre: Manga
Original publication date: 1998
Book description: Now that Yuna is Queen of Phantasma, the dashing knight Rieno doesn't want her to go back to her home. Yuna's heart is torn between returning to Germany and moving forward with her new life as queen. She attempts to leave...but finds herself drawn to Rieno's castle. Is Phantasma truly her destiny?

I remember being very annoyed at Yuna in the first volume, but it was not overly annoying.
Yuna is finally in Phantasma and she needs to learn to accept the change of her life. Her emotions have much more power than they have ever, Rieno is still the only person she sees on this new land and she continues to believe that she is dreaming, she is hallucinating or any other naive idea trying to deny the fact that she is no longer in Germany. She even tries to convince herself that she is somewhere close to where she was supposed to spend her vacation with her mother.
It is very short and easy read.

This was used for the challenge Winter Magical Readathon Read a book from the topmost shelf.
