Get Sh*t Done Readathon Announcement

This is a very nice readathon to kick off the year. 

Announcement here

There are several hosts:
@Beautifully Bookish Bethany

The prompts:
1. Read a book from a subscription box 
2. Read the book that has been on your tbr the longest or for a long time 
3. Read a classic you have been meaning to get to 
4. Finish a book you put down 
5. Start OR end a series 
6. Read a book for review OR a gift 
Bonus: Read a book that fits 3 or more of these challenges

So I need to pick a few books for this.

Let's see:
1. Little broken things, Nicole Baart. This is a contemporary mystery story about two sisters who are not necessarily close but a cryptic message and a reunion sets in motion a chain reaction changing their lives forever.

2. Since you've been gone, Morgan Matson. A YA contemporary where a friend going away forces Emily out of her shell. 
I have no idea if this is going to be book to enjoy fully or not as it was acquired at the end of 2017 and it has sat on my shelf unread all this time. 

3. The mysterious affair of Styles, Agatha Christie.
This book is the first in publication order and that is one of the goals for this year to read her books. 

4. Blade itself, Joe Abercrombie.
I know this is a grimdark fantasy filled with morally gray characters and heave heard many people say its one of their favorites books, so here I am trying to catch up to that.

5. So for start a series we could have The blade itself or even the mysterious affair at Styles which we already mentioned. But if I feel over ambitious I could also include a game of thrones, George RR Martin, as it is a series I started last year and just put it down for now other reason than I did and never picked it up. 

6. La isla, Åsa Avdic. A mystery thriller that sounds amazing and that I have not heard people talk about. In it, a group of people who are applying for a job are sent to an island (hence the title) and the face psychological testing and we have a murder taking place, it definitely is vague but it sounds interesting. 

As for a book that fits several of the categories, there are several here that do. 
Little broken things, a game of thrones, since you've been gone, the blade itself are books I had on my TBR for a while, I started and put down, either the start of a series or a book from a subscription box. So any of those fit all categories if I do not read them all I can just read one nad mark most of them off. 


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