November DNFs
So hard to decide. DNF- Did Not Finish. That is a very difficult thing to do for me. I sometimes set a book down for a while and then pick it back up a bit later simply because I tend to read multiple things at once. So at times, it becomes a struggle to find time to read them all. Other times I just feel the urgent need to pick something else, I do love to follow my set TBR's but sometimes it is impossible to ignore the craving for a certain book and I just follow my hunches like that. This month I struggled to complete my set TBR and yet I added several extra ones XD Not sure why I keep doing that. So in the hurry to get to the complete list and write the reviews and such but oooh ooh oooh boy, there was just one book that definitely was not for me. There were two, but for one of them even if I did feel like putting it down since the first few chapters, I continued to push through with it until it was completed. So by the time this second book arrived I was...