Manga/Comics of the Month

Walking Dead Chapter 2: Miles Behind. 

Authors: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard, Tony Moore, Cliff Rathburn
Genre: Graphic Novel Zombie
Original publication date: November 2005
Book description: Rick Grimes, his family and the group of people he found outside Atlanta city continue their fight for survival.

Rick seems to be a natural leader. There are loses of people by being bitten from Zombies and personal issues of other nature like jealousy, injuries by other humans, and well traveling again and finding more people.
IT is a nice reaction people have towards one another as they find other survivors. People show pain and loss, they crumble, each person manages t different, some deny to move one by dwelling in the ones who are gone, some get angry and want to fight, others cling to the impossible and hope to one day wake up and see that the dead have .... I can't really say.

There is really little that can be said without spoiling, though many people already most know what happens if not because of the graphic novel then due to the tv show. 

I still do not find the drawings my favorite but am getting used to them. I like the fact that they make people seem normal, women who have some skin on their bones, not overly curvy or exaggerated, nor the men overly bulky and muscles all over. It looks very realistic. That is something I like on graphic novels.

Blue Exorcist Vol 4
Author: Kazue Kato
Genre: Manga Supernatural
Original publication date: July 2010
Book description: While most of the students at True Cross Academy head home for the summer break, Rin and his classmates are sent to a training camp in the forest district, and the right to go on a real mission is riding on their performance! Locating and recovering their objectives in the woods is tough and will require teamwork, skill and more than a little magic—and Rin will have to learn to rely on his friends. But is Mephisto masterminding something behind the scenes?


The group of Exwires is facing their normal exorcist tests and training when things start to happen and secrets start to unravel. But again friendships are tested, it is uncertain who can be trusted and no one knows what is the overall plan.
It is interesting and just gives more questions not allowing to see who is planning what for real.
It does a good work of making to want to read the next and the next in order to know how it will all unravel.

It is again very slow-moving, it feels it ends to soon and that very little has happened. But we get enough little adventures and funny bits, characters also make it interesting. 

These both were the first thing to take care of mainly due to the fact that comics were what go my attention, I was not really getting my mind into the books and was not sure where to begin.

Funny thing they were not picked for any of the readathons prompts. So yeah, we'll see how the rest of the weekend go.  


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