11/22/63 a novel

Author: Stephen King
Genre: Sci-Fi, Historical
Publication date: November 2011
Book description: Life can turn on a dime—or stumble into the extraordinary, as it does for Jake Epping, a high school English teacher in Lisbon Falls, Maine. While grading essays by his GED students, Jake reads a gruesome, enthralling piece penned by janitor Harry Dunning: fifty years ago, Harry somehow survived his father’s sledgehammer slaughter of his entire family. Jake is blown away...but an even more bizarre secret comes to light when Jake’s friend Al, owner of the local diner, enlists Jake to take over the mission that has become his obsession—to prevent the Kennedy assassination. How? By stepping through a portal in the diner’s storeroom, and into the era of Ike and Elvis, of big American cars, sock hops, and cigarette smoke... Finding himself in warmhearted Jodie, Texas, Jake begins a new life. But all turns in the road lead to a troubled loner named Lee Harvey Oswald. The course of history is about to be rewritten...and become heart-stoppingly suspenseful.

Hard to get my mind about it.
IT was a very long book, it took me a bit to get through but it was definitely worth it.
It was rollercoaster, the story went to places I did not expect, made me wonder and worry about the character's wellbeing. 
It definitely does not explain time travel at all and much less handles the butterfly effect. If you want to examine, you can maybe say it feels exaggerated and yet it fits so well into the story. 
The history is not set in stone but changing things has to have consequences. 

Jake, Lee, Harry, and everyone from Jodie felt like such real people. And yet it was a bit tiring to get to the end, it made me very annoyed that I took so long to finish... I still need to reread it, next time I will be able to enjoy taking my time with it.
I read this one in digital version, but it would have been better to have a traditional book, oh well.

This book was used for the Buzzwordathon as well, after all most of the title are numbers.


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