Midnight Thief

Author: Livia Blackburne 

Series: The Midnight thief #1
Genre: Fantasy
Original publication date: July 2014
Book description:  Growing up on Forge’s streets has taught Kyra how to stretch a coin. And when that’s not enough, her uncanny ability to scale walls and bypass guards helps her take what she needs.
But when the leader of the Assassins Guild offers Kyra a lucrative job, she hesitates. She knows how to get by on her own, and she’s not sure she wants to play by his rules. But he’s persistent—and darkly attractive—and Kyra can’t quite resist his pull.
Tristam of Brancel is a young Palace knight on a mission. After his best friend is brutally murdered by Demon Riders, a clan of vicious warriors who ride bloodthirsty wildcats, Tristam vows to take them down. But as his investigation deepens, he finds his efforts thwarted by a talented thief, one who sneaks past Palace defenses with uncanny ease.
When a fateful raid throws Kyra and Tristam together, the two enemies realize that their best chance at survival—and vengeance—might be to join forces. And as their loyalties are tested to the breaking point, they learn a startling secret about Kyra’s past that threatens to reshape both their lives.
In her arresting debut novel, Livia Blackburne creates a captivating world where intrigue prowls around every corner—and danger is a way of life.

This was picked thanks to a nice good reads list. I really wanted to read a book that fits for the challenge of the one readathon to rule them all Slytherin team Ambition: Read a fantasy book with a MC that is attempting to change the status quo.
This book came up in the list for this and it was also in Scribd as Audio which was the format I wanted the book to be in. 

I did not read the description really but decided to include it anyway. 

So we have a few things that we predicted, the tension between the two friends girl boy where you don't really know if they have feelings for each other. The girl is looked down upon by the people she is working with for the only reason of being a girl and the society expects her to be weaker or just expect her to try to get to places by offering her body but it was not done in a cringy way. 
The Guild she joins still trains her, even if not everyone likes her very much. She does struggle to get better and we have a very realistic behavior on the MC. Kayra is naive a bit and it slaps in her face. She has a reality check when working with the rebels, I liked that realism, you do not gloss over the harsh reality of fighting and war even if for ideals that seem to be on the side of justice can always be seen from a different point of view as evil.
In real life there is not a clear evil people, people are not always simply evil and other simply good, there is always a bit of each in everyone.

The surprise I did not see coming was we had fantastical beings. Possible spoiler coming. Skip ahead after the stars.

**Start mini mild spoiler**
There are shifters in here, I did not see that coming and they make perfect sense. Even if we do not get too much information on their society and how they live. They do have certain secrets and things that Kayra s hinted at and yet she does not get the change to find out of them.

** End of spoilers**

I really liked it but it was simply a setup. We had very little happening overall. Everything was pretty much the same as it was at the beginning of the story. 
I do need to try to find the next book sometime soon next year/month depending on the number of books I get in my TBR December.

Not sure why but this last few days of the month I have more posts coming in than what I had in the middle of it. That is funny because I really wished I was scheduling the posts for later but then my November reading wrap up will not make sense XD

So I will have to include several posts each day.


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