The booktube giving tag

This tag was created by Elliot from Eliot Brooks with the goal of spreading the word about the charity called Save the Children. 
Here's the link to it. Feel free to share the link with others.;jsessionid=00000000.app30040b?px=2683833&pg=personal&fr_id=1112&NONCE_TOKEN=3F09630E2D06A478960F50FF3267B856

So let's get into the tag

1. What's a book you would GIVE everyone if you could? 
The book thief by Markus Zusak. It gives a very interesting take of a story told from the perspective of death about the life of a naive little girl living in a very dangerous time.
2. What's a book you couldn’t GIVE a "rat's hiney" about? 
One of the books that were most disappointing was a poetry collection by R.H. Sin Algedoic. Maybe it is just not for me.

3. GIVEN that the holidays are coming up, what's a book you hope someone buys for you? (If the holidays have passed when you do the tag, then "GIVEN that the holidays are over, what's a book you wish someone had bought you?") 
I wish my sister really does get me the new Maggie Stiefvater book Call down the hawk.

4. What's a book or series you've GIVEN up on? 
Souther reach by Jeff VanderMeer. I saw the movie, it was very interesting, then I picked up the first and second books, but each one was less enjoyment and it was too confusing, so I decided to give it up. Not going to try to read the series. 

5. Who's a character you wish an author would GIVE more time to? 
In the series of The blood of Olympus, Nico was mentioned more than in other series but I wish he had a bit more of time dedicated to him. 

6. Who's a character you wish an author would GIVE less time to? 
Not really, can't think of it.

7. If you had to GIVE up almost all of your books, which ones would you keep? 
Oh, this is very difficult, I really wish to keep all my books, there is some that I could give up but Zusak's, The martian, John Grishmans books, someone to watch over me and maybe some of my fantasy series. Now that I look at it, I am not even answering the question, just listing several books I wish never to give up XD

8. What's the best book or bookish thing you've ever been GIVEN? 

My sister gave me the Six of Crows duology, a beautiful edition. Really nice choice even if she is not very interested in reading.

9. What's a book someone gave you that you wish you could GIVE right back? 
I Only have a single duplicated book, Inuyasha volume 2, I received a copy as a birthday present just a few weeks after I had picked up my own copy of it. It would have been awesome if they had given me a book I did not own already. It was the very same edition and in the same language so I really had no reason to have two of them, but I do keep them. Also, I did not mention that I already have it I did not want to be rude so I smiled and accepted it XD

10. Name a time in a book that a character was GIVEN something really meaningful?
I have two main examples, but mentioning what the characters receive is a huge spoiler. 
The first that comes to mind and my favorite book between the two is for Donte Drumm from John Grishman's, the confession and in a more recent read the one given to Carl Iverson in the life we bury by Allen Eskens.



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