
Author: Daniel Turnike
Genre: Fantasy
Book description: Felix Featherstone has to leave the classroom—a lot. He has anger issues. But wouldn’t you if you spent your whole life being made to feel that everything was your fault—including the death of your mother? He is also a Sagacitor. In other words, he has lived on this planet many times before. Not that he knows it. Not until he receives a note in his exercise book, that is, inviting him to travel to Old Souls’ Land.

It was an interesting story, the idea was something I had not seen very often, the souls coming back and getting to know their past lives, that sound super interesting. 
IT does focus a lot on children's issues:
*Controlling their temper and listen to adults even when they think they are not listening to them
*Having a difficult father, very abusive in a way. But also having a loving grandparent who can be relied on.
*People blaming him for things he is not guilty of.

IT has a lot of revelations and interesting plot twists. I actually enjoyed the plot but the writing style was not my favorite so that gave me a funny feeling about how to rate this book. 

This book again was picked because it was a nice quick read and I have been trying to read more children's books for Believathon theme.


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