The Golden Compass

Author: Philip Pullman
Series: His Dark Materials #1
Genre: Fantasy
Original Publication date: April 1996
Book Description (from Good Reads): Lyra is rushing to the cold, far North, where witch clans and armored bears rule. North, where the Gobblers take the children they steal--including her friend Roger. North, where her fearsome uncle Asriel is trying to build a bridge to a parallel world.

This is a reread for me, but it had been such a long time since the time I read it and I think it was my first reread of the book. I never continued to the next parts of the trilogy, but I only remembered the big reveals pretty much, all the small details were like reading it for the first time. 
Lyra starts like a very average adventurous girl. Looking for trouble, making up stories of anything and everything with her few friends around the institute she was raised in.
But then she was thrust into a grand adventure where she meets more friends. I had completely forgotten how Lyra and Iorek Byrnison meet and how they start in shaky ground. He was not always the fearless defender of the girl as I clearly remembered.

The reread was actually better. I enjoyed it and was pleasantly surprised by the plotline that I did not really appreciate before. It seems like if you read this as a child you can miss small details of the different character kinds, like the witches, their long lives, the daemons, the bears, the way the word is so tightly controlled by the church. 
Very good world-building and you get a nice introduction to the different creatures but then again the cliff hanger is more intriguing than when I read it years ago.

This time also we experienced it in English, the original language and in audio format. It had a full cast or at least a very varied that made it feel more realistic more like a tv show. It made it very enjoyable.  This book we used for the challenges:
*Believathon. Reread a childhood favorite.


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