Say Cheese and Die

The series of Goosebumps I don't even remember the last time I had thought about it. I had read a few of the books while growing p but I don't remember much about it.

So I thought it was a very good option to read during Believathon, its goal is after all to read children's books.
The prompt was to read an atmospheric or spooky book, so I could not think of a better example. (Did not even try very hard, as soon as this series came into my mind I was set on reading something from it).

Author: R.L. Stine
Series: Goosebumps #4
Genre: Children's Horror
Original Publication date: January 1992
Book Description (from GoodReads):
Greg thinks there is something wrong with the old camera he found. The photos keep turning out . . . different.
When Greg takes a picture of his father's brand-new car, it's wrecked in the photo. And then his dad crashes the car.

It's like the camera can tell the future--or worse. Maybe it makes the future!


We have, as usual, a group of friends who are having fun, breaking into houses and take things that do not belong to them only to regret it later. 
The cursed object this time being a camera. 

I really like the story. I find it difficult to accept that the kids make so much chaos for something that once they discover is evil and cursed. 

A fun quick read. I even used Scribd and heard it as Audiobooks, it was a very enjoyable experience. 

Not sure how to rate this book I enjoy a lot mostly because it brings back nostalgic memories, I still feel like it was a very realistic reaction most of the characters have. Children not really wanting to accept something like a curse, adults not believing even when the kid tells them, but a very convenient ending but oh well. It is still enjoyable. Right now I do not feel this was scary, but then again back in elementary when I read some of the volumes I was scared, it's simply a change of perspective that's all.

I wonder if I can get my hands in some more of them and reread them, probably the ones I read will not be scary now but well can't really expect to still be scared of ghost stories that are supposed to be scary for children. 


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