Tome Topple Round 9

-Because we already have celebrated that I finally completed my TBR for one month, let's get crazy. I just found out that this readathon is happening this month.

This was created by Sam from Thoughts on Tome. I'll leave the announcement below.

Duration November 9-22 

We get to share your thoughts on a community, find info below.
Follow @tome_topple and use #tometopple to talk to everyone participating! 

Books read should be over 500 pages. 
Co-hosts info: 
Sam 2 - @willread4booze - 

1. Read more than 1 tome 
2. Read the tome that has been on your TBR the longest 
3. Read a tome that is part of a series 
4. Read a tome in a genre you don’t usually read 
5. Read an adult novel

So I will place two new books in my TBR, I will use one of them to try to cover most of the prompts.

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. This is an adult novel, in a category, I don't normally read.
The second book I might pick in order to cover a few of the other prompts I will read The Blade Itself by Joe Ambercrombie. This is the first book in a series, this will help with the read more than one tome and has been in your TBR the longest. I have heard a bit about the book and have yet to start the series so its a good pick.

Side note: My TBR keeps growing and I have only finished one single book so far, one if not the smallest of the option jajaja.

Let's check (looks away, wastes time looking for my TBR and count the books included). Ok not so bad, I have to read 23 books this month.

Why is it so hard?
Monday 4, is the first day of a work schedule change which will go from having all afternoon free to read to work all afternoon. I will now work from noon to 8 pm instead of the morning shift and get off work at 2 pm. 
To top it off for over a week, from November 15 to the 23 I will be off work and go visit my family. I have not been there for a few months. We will have a very good 8-hour bus ride on the way there and back, but other than that, not much time. I will be visiting my mother, grandpa and the rest of the family in several small little towns close by one another so, most of the time will be spent chatting and catching up with people of our loves the last couple of months. 

I have only managed to read over 23 books on a single month on 3 occasions this year. So it is not looking very promising, especially because yesterday and today, the start of the new month I had more than enough time to read and I spent it playing games, watching videos ad not being able to get into a single story. Damn!

We'll see what happens at the end of the month.

Also, there is another readathon happening, that I still have not seen the prompts and such because I don't think it is humanly possible for me to try to participate in another one... But I really want to see what it is about, maybe I can use boos from the other readathons and double them up to use for this other Readathon. It is the Readathon to Rule them All. I will swallow on that for a few hours and post the TBR if I decide to participate in it later.


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