Authors I want to get to soon

As the title implies this is a list of authors that I have heard about but I have not even read a single work by.
There are hundreds obviously, as there is not enough time to get to all the books I want to get to. 
So I'll leave here a list of the top 10 authors I want to get to know soon.

As usual, I do not do a lot of research mainly because I don't like to be spoiled when I'm trying to read a new book/series. 

1. Robin Hobb 

She is a very well known fantasy author, I started to buy the trilogy assassin's apprentice and the tawny man. No idea what is is about other than the fact that we follow a young boy as he grows up and is trained in a world where he finds it hard to finds his place.
2. Robert Jordan, I have been wanting to pick up the wheel of time. I have added the first book in several monthly TBRs so we'll see how it goes once I actually get to.

3. AS King
I have been trying to get into her works. Booktube has been raging about some of the stories she has come up with- but not sure where to begin. I have heard all the stories are heart touching, I am curious. 

4. Mark Lawrence. I need to find out about his fantasy worlds and immerse myself in stories that seem to capture hundreds of people. 

5. NK Jemisin is known to have an overwhelming world and magic systems in her stories. Really looking forward to the broken earth trilogy mainly. 

6. JRR Tolkien. No need to introduce the works by him, I am just a bit behind as I have never read any of the books. 

7. Brian K. Vaughan. This is mainly due to my wish to explore more graphic novel 

8. Mario Puzo. I really wonder what it's like to dive into historical crime stories. Really looking forward to it.

9. John Marrs I am intrigued about this book, it seems like people who are into the mystery/thriller genre. I want to get into his works. 

10.  Becky Chambers the main companion novels with sci-fi elements with heart touching moments.


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