Reading Habit Tag

So as the title suggests, we're trying a nice Bookish tag. I'm sure this is an old tag or at least it has been around for a while.
I saw it most recently in Ariel's channel (

Let's jump right into them.

1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading? 
No, I usually read anywhere, I mean my apartment has limited space, so I read in my room, in the computer table, in bed or in the couch in front of the tv or in the kitchen table-that literally describes everywhere, in summer sometimes I go to "outside" and sit in the shade to read. 

2. Bookmark or random piece of paper? 
I use whatever is at hand, a piece of paper, bookmarks, I even cut down some boxes in bookmark shape pieces in order to have them laying around all over the house so I can grab whatever is closer.
3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter, a certain amount of pages? 
I usually read until I finish a page, chapter when possible (which happens very rarely).
I usually read at home, before getting ready for work, on my way to work, in my free time I squeeze reading if I can. 
So most of the time I am forced to stop and it annoys me but sometimes I leave a half-sentence, then I have to go back to reading and restart the sentence and actually finish it and pick up my reading. 

4. Do you eat or drink while reading? 
I can eat while listening to audiobooks, but I can't really read and eat. I generally do have coffee or a cold beverage while reading depending on the weather if I am reading in my desk (which is stretching it, it really is a table where I placed the computer). 

5. Multitasking: Music or TV while reading? 
I do generally multitask with audiobooks cleaning, on my way to work, grocery shopping, etc. 
But if I am reading a digital or physical format I the most I can do is listen to music. I can ignore noise ok, as I read in random places with no control over the environment but if there is a tv show or movie I will wish to know what is going on it so I will go to another room if my sister is watching something on tv.

6. One book at a time or several at once? 
I generally have several books going at once.
At least 3 at a time. I have a physical book or two to read at home, a digital book generally easy to read to be able to read in a spare few minutes throughout the day at work. And lastly, I always have an audiobook to listen to on my commute to work.
7. Reading at home or everywhere? 
I read everywhere :D 

8. Reading out lout or silently in your head? 
I never read out loud, I don't really understand the convenience of that, I read much faster silently in my head than out loud so why do it XD

9. Do you read ahead or even skip pages? 
I sometimes skip a few phrases to see where it is going, but I usually get annoyed not knowing something so I try to read it fully. Though if the book is very slow or I am not feeling it, I do put them down and pick something else and come back to it.
The exceptions, if I am considering DNFing a book I can skip ahead a few pages and red if a few chapters ahead look promising if they do, I go back to where I was and continue reading, or I nothing seems interesting, then I just put it down and officially DNF it. 

10. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new? 
Breaking the spine. I think it really does not matter. I like owning books that seem like I have already read them.

11. Do you write in your books?
I can make slight markings, or add small post-its with small comments, it is rare but something I don't have anything against. 


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