Fighting the slump (Personal Struggles)

So I have been in a weird slumpish mood for the last couple of days. I have finished only 16 books but I still have 14 books that need to finish from my original TBR for this month!
There is not enough time in the month to allow me to finish them.

The thing to do I have started a few different books:
-Before they are Hanged by Joe Abercrombie.
Superior Glokta has a problem. How do you defend a city surrounded by enemies and riddled with traitors, when your allies can by no means be trusted, and your predecessor vanished without a trace? It’s enough to make a torturer want to run – if he could even walk without a stick.
Northmen have spilled over the border of Angland and are spreading fire and death across the frozen country. Crown Prince Ladisla is poised to drive them back and win undying glory. There is only one problem – he commands the worst-armed, worst-trained, worst-led army in the world.
And Bayaz, the First of the Magi, is leading a party of bold adventurers on a perilous mission through the ruins of the past. The most hated woman in the South, the most feared man in the North, and the most selfish boy in the Union make a strange alliance, but a deadly one. They might even stand a chance of saving mankind from the Eaters. If they didn’t hate each other quite so much.
Ancient secrets will be uncovered. Bloody battles will be won and lost. Bitter enemies will be forgiven – but not before they are hanged.

-Under red tainted skies, Loiuse Gornall.  

At seventeen, Norah has accepted that the four walls of her house delineate her life. She knows that fearing everything from inland tsunamis to odd numbers is irrational, but her mind insists the world outside is too big, too dangerous. So she stays safe inside, watching others’ lives through her windows and social media feed.
But when Luke arrives on her doorstep, he doesn’t see a girl defined by medical terms and mental health. Instead, he sees a girl who is funny, smart, and brave. And Norah likes what he sees.
Their friendship turns deeper, but Norah knows Luke deserves a normal girl. One who can walk beneath the open sky. One who is unafraid of kissing. One who isn’t so screwed up. Can she let him go for his own good—or can Norah learn to see herself through Luke’s eyes?

Also, I started Alma de Robot Humano, Allan Clarke. A Sci-fi short story published fairly recent and yet, I could not get through it. It is only 36 pages but they felt interminable so I gave it up. This became my first official DNF of the year!

Another DNF, for now, is The bird and the Sword, Amy Harman.

The day my mother was killed, she told my father I wouldn’t speak again, and she told him if I died, he would die too. Then she predicted the king would trade his soul and lose his son to the sky.
My father has a claim to the throne, and he is waiting in the shadows for all of my mother’s words to come to pass. He wants desperately to be king, and I just want to be free.

It was decided that I will not read it, not because I do not feel like reading it or it sounds not interesting, it does. But this book was going to be used for a reading challenge and the date came and went and I did not manage to get to it, so I officially gave up on it. I'll try to add this to a different TBR sometime later. 

Not sure what to do, I have started several books, but still not getting too into them. I'll set a timer and try to get into both of the ones that I have started for now and if that does not work, then I'll just pick up another one and hope to get better luck with it.


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