Stephen King Reading Books in Chronological order

As you can tell from the title this is a list of Stephen King works in publication order, as I will intend to read it in. I already started with the first one but still will continue to try to get to the rest. I will probably have to reread the few ones I have already read of his works.
I have bought a very small amount of books. Here they are, again not really paying attention to publication edition or matching covers. I will try to buy them in Kindle or get them from Scribd if possible. 


1.    Carrie (1974)
2.    ‘Salem’s Lot (1975)
3.     The Shining (1977)
4.     Rage (1977)
5.    Night Shift (1978)
6.    The Stand (1978)
7.    The Long Walk (1979) [by Richard Bachman]
8.     The Dead Zone (1979)
9.     Firestarter (1980)
10.   Roadwork (1981) [by Richard Bachman]
11.   Danse Macabre (1981)
12.   Cujo (1981)
13.   The Running Man (1982) [by Richard Bachman]
14.   The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger (1982)
15.   Different Seasons (1982)
16.   Christine (1983)
17.   Cycle of the Werewolf (1983)
18.   Pet Sematary (1983)
19.   The Eyes of the Dragon (1984)
20.   The Talisman (1984) with Peter Straub
21.   Thinner (1984) [by Richard Bachman]
22.   Skeleton Crew (1985)
23.   IT (1986)
24.   The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three (1987)
25.   Misery (1987)
26.   The Tommyknockers (1987)
27.   The Dark Half (1989)
28.   The Stand: The Complete & Uncut Edition (1990)
29.   Four Past Midnight (1990)
30.   The Dark Tower: The Waste Lands (1991)
31.   Needful Things (1991)
32.   Gerald’s Game (1992)
33.   Dolores Claiborne (1992)
34.   Nightmares & Dreamscapes (1993)
35.   Insomnia (1994)
36.   Rose Madder (1995)
37.   The Green Mile (1996)
38.   Desperation (1996)
39.   The Regulators (1996) [by Richard Bachman]
40.   The Dark Tower: Wizard and Glass (1997)
41. Six Stories (short story collection limited edition, not sure if I will be able to get it.)
42.   Bag of Bones (1998)
43.   The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (1999)
44.   Hearts in Atlantis (1999)
45.   Storm of the Century (1999)
46.   On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (2000)
 47. Riding the bullet (horror short story ebook novella 2000)
48.   Dreamcatcher (2001)
49.   Black House (2001) with Peter Straub
50.   Everything’s Eventual (2001)
51.   From a Buick 8 (2002)
52.   The Dark Tower: Wolves of the Calla (2003)
53.   The Dark Tower: Song of Susannah (2004)
54.   The Dark Tower: The Dark Tower (2004)
55.   Faithful (2004) with Stewart O’Nan
56.   The Colorado Kid (2005)
57.   Cell (2006)
58.   Lisey’s Story (2006)
59.   The Secretary of Dreams: Volume One (2006)
60.   Blaze (2007) [by Richard Bachman]
61.   Duma Key (2008)
62.   Just After Sunset (2008)
63.   Under the Dome (2009)
64.   Blockade Billy (2010)
65.   The Secretary of Dreams: Volume 2 (2010)
66.   Full Dark, No Stars (2010)
67.   11/22/63 (2011)
68. Herman Wouk is still alive (short story 2011)
69.   The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole (2012)
70.   Joyland (2013)
71.   The Dark Man (2013)
72.   Doctor Sleep (2013)
73.   Mr. Mercedes (2014)
74.   Revival (2014)
75.   Finders Keepers (2015)
76.   The Bazaar of Bad Dreams (2015)
77.   End of Watch (2016)
78.   Charlie the Choo-Choo (2016) [by Beryl Evans]
79.   Six Scary Stories selected by Stephen King (2016)
80.   Gwendy’s Button Box (2017) with Richard Chizmar
81.   Sleeping Beauties (2017) with Owen King
82.   The Outsider (2018)
83.   Flight or Fright (2018) coedited with Bev Vincent
84.   Elevation (2018)
85.   The Institute (2019)

So there are too many books to include this definitely will not be accomplished this year as I have already too many books included in my yearly TBR. We'll see how much progress I can make throughout the rest of the year. 


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