Get to Know the Fantasy Reader

So this is a Tag I saw in Sam's channel Thoughts on Tome.
Here is the video
This Tag was originally: "get to know the Romance reader" but it was changed a bit in order to fit more a Fantasy reader.

 1. What is your fantasy origin story? (How you came to read your first fantasy novel) 
Very classic, I first got interested in Harry Potter when I was in sixth grade, I was a very peculiar kid, I saw the first 3 movies and I insisted on getting the fourth book onwards. I started out of order XD

2. If you could be the hero/heroine in a fantasy novel, who would be the author and what’s one trope you’d insist be in the story? 
The author I would pick is Brandon Sanderson and the troupe I like would be underdog starting slow and having issues to get good in any type of magic and yet come up on top.

3. What is a fantasy you’ve read this year, that you want more people to read? 
So far this year my favorite fantasy books have been:
-Elantris by Branden Sanderson 
-Assassin's Apprentice, Robin Hobb
Both are interesting in their own way. The first has very enchanting characters and interesting magic. And the second one also is very interesting, the plot is slow and yet it feels very thrilling as the story progresses.

4. What is your favorite fantasy subgenre? What subgenre have you not read much from? 
My favorite genre is Magical Realism, or at least that's what I feel like but I have not read that many or as many as I would like.
The subgenre I read the least is Urban fantasy, yes they're very similar but not the same XD Urban romance fantasy is something I don't gravitate towards. 

5. Who is one of your auto-buy fantasy authors? 
For a while, it was Rick Riordan until recently. Also, one that I am getting to that level is Bradon Sanderson but I am just recently starting to buy the books, I used to read mostly either digitally from Scribd, Kindle or borrow books from different sources.
So the buying has always being a bit "slow". It does not seem like it because since I started to do book hauls you see I buy several books physically or digital in bulk, but that is a new behavior in my life. 

6. How do you typically find fantasy recommendations? (Goodreads, Youtube, Podcasts, Instagram..) 
I usually get every book recommendation from Booktube. And in some cases in GoodReads, but very little.

7. What is an upcoming fantasy release you’re excited for? 
I do not generally keep an eye for upcoming books, but I am waiting for the release of the next installment of The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson Rythm of War. 

8. What is one misconception about fantasy you would like to lay to rest? 
Not sure what misconception, maybe the fact that people usually assume that Fantasy is usually long series and are intimidated by that. I really like to have more people to dive into the genre, there are plenty of standalone books and trilogies that are a very doable series, I mean even out of the fantasy genre trilogies are very easily found, I think. 

9. If someone had never read a fantasy before and asked you to recommend the first 3 books that come to mind as places to start, what would those recommendations be? 
I have recommended a lot and will continue to do so:
1. The raven cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
2. Elantris, Brandon Sanderson but that is a bit on the big side, so it really depends if they are already into reading. 
3. The other option I usually recommend is Harry Potter books, there is no way to avoid that recommendation.

10. Who is the most recent fantasy reading content creator you came across that you’d like to shoutout?
I have not found new people as of yet, but I would recommend the ones I already know: Sam on Thoughts on Tomes, Jashana C,  and Elliot Brooks, again maybe people already know all of my choices but I have not really discovered new people so far, but I'll keep my eye out for new to me creator.


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