Walking dead Chp 6: This is sorrowful life

Author: Robert Kirkman  

Illustrators: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Series: Walking dead this includes the issues #31 to 36
Original publication date: April 2007
Book description: Trapped in a town surrounded by madmen, Rick must find a way out or die trying. Meanwhile, back at the prison, the rest of the survivors come to grips with the fact Rick may be dead, and a major turning point in the series is reached.


So we see the group reach Woodbury. This is mainly the first time we see just how much crazy people can become due to their new reality.

I had experienced only in the tv series, I saw the first few seasons, the one corresponding to this period. So my memories of what happened in the show clash with the storyline in the story here and that is just more apparent in this chapter, it might start to be more noticeable or not who knows. As usual, I will try to not compare the different media representations of the story as I like to enjoy them as separate independent stories. 

Rick, Glenn, and Michonne leave the relative safety of the prison in order to follow a helicopter. They get there too late and find that the people in it were reached first by some other group of people.
They follow the tracks and find a town Woodbury. 
The Governor, the leader is a crazy individual and the people in this town have a very twisted morality code. 
Rick and Michonne are greatly hurt in different ways. Personally, I dislike sexual violence in any media, so it was uncomfortable to read about. But still, it felt like a believable situation, in most places be it in any media (books, tv, series, movies) when women are captured and will be tortured sex is part of the methods used. Sad but it is something that society since forever has come to expect, still it does not mean its enjoyable in any way to see.  

Important note: 
*There is mention and few scenes corresponding to sexual violence, rape and crude verbal remarks about it as well. This could be hard to read, especially if you are sensitive to such content. 
*There is a lot of violence and gore among people not only against the walking dead (zombies). But by now this sort of content is normal in the story, a lot of more graphic violence comparing to the show. Be aware if your experience is only the tv series like myself.

Moving on, we see Rick fight his interior demons a bit less and fight his emotions and the outside situations more. He faces issues in his marriage as Lori is not taking her husband's taking risks and disappearing by venturing out of their safe heaven constantly and she is driving herself and other crazy with worry. We also see a very realistic reaction by Carl, he is a boy and is obviously not aware of the whole situation he sees mainly what affects him and his mother directly and sees in bad light Ricks continuos coming and goings.

This feels very realistic, yet it feels very little happens in each chapter yet it is still very interesting and captivating as you read it. I mostly read it in a single or two sittings at the most.

As mentioned previously in several other posts, this book was picked with the intention of accomplishing my yearly goal of continuing and actually finishing the series I have started as of late. I hope to have made a good dent in the started series as I have a lot of them. 


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