Digital books acquired March

So here are some of the books I have acquired this month. I am trying to cut back my book buying so that goal is obviously not being met!

1. A pinch of magic, Michelle Harrison. A middle grade fantasy, that I know nothing about but Gavin from How to train your Gavin from booktube was recommending it. 
2. Heroinas, Elia Barcelo a short story collection of strong independent woman, that fits on the month of Woman enpowerment in Mexico, so it was picked up in a whim but have no idea what its about really.
3. Hasta que deje de llover, Javier Matrinez Again this book was simply picked up, it might be a romance or poetry book. 
4. The bento cookbook, a book in case I get a fancy to start cooking, I really want to but I need easy recipes to start off with. 
5. Prime minister, Ashley Booth an adult smutty romance, who can say no to that?
6. Prisoner, Skye Warren, Annika Martin a romance set in a prison, interesting I have never read something with that setting, so it could be a great introduction to this type as it seems to be part of a book series. 
7. Long shot, Kennedy Ryan another adult romance, this is a forbidden love story set in NBA, not very into sport love stories, not for lack of interest but because I have not really tried so this could be a great intro.
8. You french kisses, Lauren Blakley see a trend? I am picking up a lot of romances! 
9. Dieta Paleo principiantes another cookbook I want to start trying out. 
10. Una Carta a Garcia, Abel Carrajal
11. World War Z, Max Brooks, this is a post-apocalyptic world where Zombie outbreak has passed and how it went down.
12. The passage, Justin Cronin another end of the world book and how it happened.
13. Run, Blake Crouch a book about a man who was investigating a crime but then he finds himself being on the run from an unknown force. It sounds interesting. 
14. The last one, Alexandra Olivia this is a woman who was participating in a tv reality show but something happens and she doe snot if she is still playing in the show or if something went down in the outside world. She is lost and just needs to get home and figure out what happened.
15. Recursion, Blake Crouch this is a sci-fi where people start to wake up with fake memories of their life and the investigation to try to figure out what happened. 
This was a very popular book when it came out, so I want to get to it.
16. Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel, another sickness wiped out a lot of the population and now the new life in USA, we follow several people as they go from community to community as a theater troupe. It is a very chill end of the world story. 
17. The Girl with all the gifts, MR Carey it is about a girl who is a genius and she is kept as an experiment by the government but you do not know the why so is a mystery I want to figure it out.  

And the only Audiobook bought this month was:
Platform seven, Louise Doughty it is a mystery/thriller with a paranormal aspect about a train station and some deaths that happened in it. Super vague but it feels best to figure it out as you go along.


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