La ultima jugada (The last play)

Author: Fernando Trujillo Sanz
Genre: Mystery, Magical Realism
Original publication date: July 2010
Book description: Four players in an unusual poker game. Four starngers will face off and play in order to win the only thing that they have in common and that cannot be shared. They agree to participate to get a dangerous and unique game. Three men and a woman, very different among each other watched by a peculiar host.

Initially, you do not know what is going on, people seemly at random are receiving an envelope and they stop whatever they are doing and rush to a particular spot. 
You get a snip of their different lives. 
The game does not make sense, why are they playing poker, they all have their reasons, and they all want to win at any cost. 
It is a character-driven story, we have a few revelations, some you expect but others you do not.
The price for winning, its interesting and well placed, then each person reacts and what they went to the game. There is a good, selfish, depressed and twisted person in the game. Believe me, you do not know which is which, initially.

It is very short so nothing can be said without giving spoilers. 
The ending is interesting but you still have questions but still, it does feel like a good spot to leave it at.
If you tend to read a lot of mystery/thriller this is a mystery but not necessarily exciting or thrilling, but it is an enjoyable read. 

This book was a nice easy to read that was used towards the goal of reading Spanish authors :) 


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