Book Haul March

So this month I tried to reduce my book buying, here is the proof.

Books bought:
1. El laberinto de los espiritus, Carlos Ruiz Zafon. A historical fiction that had great hype, that really needs to be read simply because I have part of the series, I actually have books 2, 3 ad 4 now, only missing the number 1.
2. El mundo perdido, Micheal Crichton, this is the second installment to the Jurassic world series.
3. Walking Dead Compendium 2 and 3, Robert Kirkman. This is a collection of several volumes of the graphic novel about Rick who is trying to survive the new reality of America, there is a plague of dead that are trying to get you, but most of all what's left of humanity also became monsters. 
5. Nightshift, Stephen King as part of my personal challenge to read al the backlist of the author. 
6. Salem's lot, Stephen King a mystery horror book about a small town an a monster terrorizing them.
7. Swan Song, Robert McCamman 
8. The stand, Stephen King a plague ending with most of the human population because of what's on brand with current events, funny.
9. The last policeman, Ben H. Winters the story of a man who is trying to do his job and investigate crimes when the end of the word has already been announced and no one really cares.

So we have ended the haul for this month. It has been a very busy month I have bought myself plenty things XD Can't really say I regret it, I mean I had to only buy 3 books per month, so clearly, that has not been accomplished once so far in 2020.


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