March Readathons

Official plan document
-The hope of Elantris, Brandon Sanderson
-The emperor's soul, Brandon Sanderson

*Literally Dead Book Club*
Announcement video here
-Platform seven, Louise Doughty

Duration: 9-15
Theme: Link the books
-The sword of summer, Rick Riordan
-The hammer of Thor, Rick Riordan
-The blue sword, Robin McKinley
-Salvation (The sword and the cross chronicles), Olivia Rae

Announcement here.
Official document with a full schedule 
-Assassin's Apprentice, Robin Hobb

*The Bookie Trials*
Creator: Racheal Marie 
Doc explaining challenge here
Duration: 28-29
-Carry on, Rainbow Rowell
-2001: Space Odyssey, Arthur C. Clarke


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