
Author: Jane Austen
Genre: Historical fiction, classics
Original publication date: December 1815
Book description: is a novel about youthful hubris and romantic misunderstandings. It is set in the fictional country village of Highbury and the surrounding estates of Hartfield, Randalls, and Donwell Abbey and involves the relationships among people from a small number of families.


So we have several characters Emma is not someone I like, she is too naive and selfish and very set in her ways, she cannot be wrong on her opinions and wants everyone to do as she believes best for them. Yes, I understand this is the intention for her. Still, I disliked her the whole time.
Everyone is very flimsy in their feelings, they fall in love; by them, I mean the woman. Or at least are building their love stories and believe themselves to be in love with multiple men for no particular reason. Jane, Emma, Miss Taylor, Harriet especially. But then again Men have the same flaw, Frank, Mr Knightly oh well. IT does fit the time period it was supposed to be.
I do not like any of the couples, but the writing story was very well done, the story captures you even if you do not ship any of the pairings. 
I have issues with most of the way people behave but that's mostly personal preference and not a real issue with the writing or character development.
I understand how this can be people's favorite story and while I was reading I had a good enough of time, the story captures me and it just kept me wanting to pick it back up and continue so I could see if there was an ending that I agreed to. 

Description in a few words: Woman is simply intended to look pretty and marry well. Men and women do not know each other they pick their spouses based on impressions based on the family background, money, social status and if they look good.

This was used to cover the attempt to read a Classic even if this was not included in my original monthly TBR.


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