March TBR

This month I have to pick up the books that were not completed February.

Carry-ons from February TBR:

*Before they are hanged, Joe Abercrombie
*Zombies de Lenigrado, Javier Cossnova
*Days of blood and starlight, Laini Taylor
*Under rose-tainted skies, Louise Gornall
*Grimm Fairytales

I need to complete the incomplete books I left started last month as well.
*I Robot, Isaac Asimov
*The past and other things that should stay buried, Shaud David Hutchinson

Official March TBR:

*The secret adversary, Agatha Christie
*The Lemesurier inheritance, Aghata Christie

Continue series:
*Walking dead Chp 6: The sorrowful life, Robert Kirkman
*Mary Poppins opens the door, P.L. Travers
*A clash of kings, George R.R. Martin
*The lost world, Michael Crichton

Good Reads choice awards
*The whisper man, Alex North
*The family upstairs, Lisa Jewell
*Disappearing earth, Julia Phillips
*The book woman of troublesome creek, Kim Michele Richardson

Spanish Authors
*La ultima jugada, Fernando Trujillo Sanz

*Alma de robot, Humano, Allan Clarcke
*Salem's lot, Stehen King

*The sword of summer, Rick Riordan
*The hammer of Thor, Rick Riordan


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