My Tips for Working from Home

So at the moment, there is a huge advantage that many job responsibilities can be carried out from anywhere as long as you have your computer; this is specifically handy with the present pandemic situation where different places are requiring or advising to work from home when possible. 

I have been working from home for a very little time, only a week maybe. So I have been trying to get comfortable with that.

My work is convenient for work from home, I only need a computer, internet, headset, and relative noise-free space. So it is simple to get to do it, but the reality of it turned out not to be as awesome as I expected. 

There are several types of people 
-Workaholic, some tend to overwork because you are not getting a very clear stop work signal.
-Work too little, you get distracted easily or you feel like you don't want to do it or end up doing much less productive.

The ideal is to have a balance, we are meant to do the same progress and work done as if you were at the office. 

I found out some details, maybe people find this very basic and you figured it out on your own the first day, but sometimes it is not bad to mention it and it would have been great to have them in mind before starting. 

-Have a set workspace. If you work in the kitchen table, then move to the dining room, to the couch or to your room, those interruptions are counterproductive. 
It helps you and if you live with other people then they can get the idea that when you are in this certain spot you are busy and they need to be considerate and respect your work time. 
My main advice, pick a good table or desk with enough space so you are not crammed. Working in an uncomfortable position cause back pain and that would make the work schedule feel longer.

-Try to get external monitor and mouse if possible, this makes it easier to work with. At the office I do have them, at home I brought my work computer, headset and external mouse. But the external monitor well obviously that was not able to be moved, so I had to make do with the one I had at home, I had not used it in a long time. The resolution and smaller size, well that took some time to get used to but I manage.

-Plan out your workday and set a clock in and out time. If you are working with no set hours and have to hold yourself accountable for your job completion. 

-Try to behave like you are at work.
Be it start work at the same time, schedule your breaks and lunch hour as it if was the normal day at the office. 

-Minimize your distractions when possible.
If you live with other people communication is the key. 
Also, remember to be considerate, the other people have needs too. Request your workspace and time but also take into consideration other people's needs. 

After work does try to continue your leisure time also as normal as possible. If you normally chat with friends after work, make a video chat, have a nice call or communicate via WhatsApp or messages in order to continue to be in touch with people you cannot see.
If you generally work out then try to do exercise from home, there are plenty of places with advice for a workout with no equipment youtube, Facebook and other social media have some recommendations for it.   

I generally try to read and do everything as normal, I try to move my reading around depending on my work schedule as I do have a specific time to clock in and out so I really don't have the issue of struggling to start and end work.

Oh well, I am clearly a novice in work from home so not sure how much of this is worth mentioning but I hope it helps someone, or at least give you something to entertain you and smile about the silly things I should see as logical and that everyone already knows. 


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