2001: A space odyssey

Author: Arthur C. Clarke 

Series: Space Odyssey #1
Genre: Sci-fi
Original publication date: April 1968
Book description: On the Moon, an enigma is uncovered.
So great are the implications of this discovery that for the first time men are sent out deep into our solar system.
But long before their destination is reached, things begin to go horribly, inexplicably wrong...
One of the greatest-selling science fiction novels of our time, this classic book will grip you to the very end.


The book was a very good surprise. The first book by this author I could not get through for the simple fact the writing style felt very dry, this one was a bit better.
We have several little storylines taking place. 
1. Something is watching and giving certain nudges to ape man or as much as I understood the first creatures from where humankind came to be. The creatures are given certain clues on how to better their lifestyle. It's an interesting story, they go from reacting to acting with intent. It does make sense.
Also, we have a group of men who are on a voyage to Saturn and their AI HAL goes a maniac and starts to behave oddly. The crew is trapped on a ship where the whole control is on an unstable AI. That is always fun!
Lastly, we have the story of a man who is sent to the moon where the colonies up there are being extremely quiet, no communication to Earth and the intrigue is building up as the silence makes people wonder what is being hidden. There was something found in the moon and as the theories grow, well it looks bleak indeed.

Being honest I liked the story, but let's see, I finished it yesterday morning and by now I am still a bit confused about some aspects, like what was the whole point?
Did the storylines represent different stages of the same timeline, the start of humankind, then the first steps to space travel and finally expanding their reach; I mean it seems to be like this otherworldly species that helped humans 3000 years ago is guiding us toward knowledge but what is the purpose of it? Do they simply want to see another species proper or are their plans a bit more selfish in nature?

This is the type of book you want to reread and see if you get any additional insight about it in the second go. I might do it soon.

This is another movie that I have yet to watch.
I should maybe make a marathon of movie adaptations and gather a more round experience of the stories that way.
I should consider that for the next couple of weeks. 


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