The final empire

Author: Brandon Sanderson
Series: Mistborn #1
Genre: Fantasy
Original publication date: July 2006
Book description: Where ash falls from the sky, and mist dominates the night, evil cloaks the land and stifles all life. Criminal mastermind Kelsier teaches Allomancy, the magic of metals, to another Mistborn, urchin Vin 16. The unlikely heroine is distracted by rich Venture heir Elend. Can Kelsier's thieving crew take on the tyrant Lord Ruler and bring back colour to their world?


As a reread I was already familiar with the characters and the world so this time I did not have a hard time getting into the book like the first time I read it. 
I already liked Vin and Kelsier but again it feels very overwhelming. We have Vin a girl who has struggled all her life to survive in the current society and is very wary of people. She distrusts people and when strangers come up to her and offer to teach her to control an ability she did not know she was already using, she is always expecting the other shoe to drop.

We see  Vin trying to learn to behave like a noblewoman, like a Mistborn and use the burning of metals like Kelsier and with the whole crew, they want to make a rebellion and overturn and kill the Lord Ruler. The Lord Ruler is seen as a God, even as they work against him most people expect this task to fail, but they still want to make an effort and at least make a way for a further rebellion to maybe succeed later on. Kelsier is gaining people's faith and trust but he is not backing down, he is determined to kill the Lord Ruler and not only as vengeance but because he dislikes greatly the society ad how the Ska are treated. 

The abilities, Mistborn show, and the society, the world seems huge and yet we only see a city and a few places around. There is a lot we simply know, the Kandra, the mistwaiths creatures mentioned here that we simply need to know more about. 
There are two main types of magic, the Allomancers who burn metal and then we have the Terrisman who use Feruchemy that use metal to store abilities. 
This is the first in a series, now I really feel the need to continue to the next one. I once again am intrigued the same way, what did the Lord Ruler do? He was doing something to protect humankind? It seems like a big intrigue and everyone disregards it, so it makes me wonder what danger is coming next.

So the book is part of the Cosmearalong read along taking place during this year and I'm participating in it. The whole purpose is to get into the big universe Bradon Sanderson has built and it gives me a great excuse to start and finish some of the series I have sitting in my shelf. In the end, it helps me with my yearly goals of rereading books, I do like to owe as many books I read as possible and one of my excuses is that I can reread them, so I have to reread at least 2 books per month. 2020 has not been great in that aspect but I'll catch up in the upcoming months no problem. 


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