Other books to get to

So, as usual, I have a few things I need to add in my every monthly TBR to get to my yearly goals. 
But if I try to get a book for every single one of my goals this TBR is going to be huge! So we're not doing that at all.

I want to read:

*Walking Dead Vol 7 The calm before, Robert Kirkman

*As part of my goal to read Stephen King in chronological order, and as I have to read The Stand in another challenge, well I have to read the ones before that as well. 
-The Shining

-Rage (I still have not found this one in print or digital, but I have a few days to find it)

So there are several books I didn't read last month, I would normally say I will read them the following month as part of a  punishment for not completing them, but I will not be able to at all, there were just too many. I might have to do a full month TBR based on the books I simply don't get to in my normal monthly TBR. 


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