So I was very unsure about what I wanted to read this month. So as of now, I am still trying to decide what to read but I need to at least set the books for O.W.L.s ad as the day progresses or another day get the rest of the books picked.

So here is the original post where I announced the fact I would be participating this year as well.

So we have picked the career finally

Here are all the prompts:

O.W.L.s to get to:

So the challenges:
*Astronomy. Night Classes: Read the majority of his book when its dark out.
Poirot investigaes, Agatha Christie.

*Charms. Lumos Maxima: White cover.
Before they are hanged, Joe Abercrombie

*Divination. The third eye: assign numbers to your TBR and use a random number generator to pick your read.
The Stand, Stephen King

*History of magic. Witch hunts a book featuring witches/wizards. Oz Complete Collection, but I will only read a single book of the compilation, or maybe 2, not sure yet.


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