The Sims Book Tag

Original creator Haily link here
This is an old tag but it looks interesting.


 1. The original Sims: the best author debut. 
Ok so I have read many novels that intrigue me enough to love a story and a few that simply encourage me to be on the lookout for more work of the author. I generally do not know when its a debut-I do not keep that in mind when reading it or when catalogizing my read books. So I had to literally look up several ones and see which novels are debuts works.
I will recommend a few that do not get mentioned enough in my opinion. 
The Help by Kathryn Stockett a historical fiction novel or just fiction depending on your POV. Rita is a writer, she moves back to her mother's house after finishing up collage and now is trying to figure out what to do with her life. People around her just want "the best" for her, meaning getting married and forgetting about writing pretty much. She starts to write the story of the help, the colored women who raise the white people's children, take care of the house and are greatly mistreated or ignored. The small tow folks where she lives do not take it well. She is shoved against the wall, does she want to risk her peaceful life among society for sharing the truth?
Its witty and engaging, a very fast read in deep.

Another one I had no idea was a debut was the time traveler's wife by Audrey Niffenegger. Its a sci-fi story about a man who has the ability to time travel and he tells us the story of how he met the woman that would become his wife and how it is for them to learn to cope with this ability of his. 

2. The grim reaper: the saddest character death. 
Oh this is a difficult one to answer ad any answer can and will be considered a spoiler for people who have not read the book. Be advised please skip ahead to the next question.

So moving on the saddest one is hard to pick but as of right at this moment the character death coming to mind is the one in My sister's keeper by Jodi Picoult. I am not a person who cries easily but I get attached to the characters and when something happens to the one I am rooting for, well that destroys me. Not sure if I really cried but I think that at least a few tears were shed when I was reading this part, oh Anna, that was a big OMG! The real ending paled after this. 

3. Sims getting stuck: a character that just got in the way. 
This one is a bit more difficult to answer. The very first time I read The mortal instruments city of bones by Cassandra Clare, I hated Simon ad Clary annoyed me a bit, but I thought Simon there to just add "tension" to the main couple was just unnecessary. I like Simon but I do not like his portrayal in that first book. 

4. Simlish: a book with amazing writing. 
Maybe not a very original answer but A monster calls by Patrick Ness this is a story of a young boy who is visited by a monster, he s the only one who is able to see it. The monster wants to unravel what he has buried deep inside of him. You get sucked into the story and can't put it down, beautifully written. 

5. Expansion packs: a series where the books kept on getting better. 
I don't want to repeat any so let's go with the hunger games trilogy by Suzanne Collins I loved the way things just kept escalating and as you know the character their lives are more important than before, and clearly, the first one well was not the best for me. 

6. Sims romance: the worst case of insta love. 
Insta love well it's not my favorite, there are plenty I do not like for this one I'll pick Juliette from Shatter Me series by Tahara Mafi. She fell in love madly with the only person who could touch her, for no other reason than that. Twice! Nop, I do not like it very much. 

7. Cheats: a book that was entirely unrealistic. 
The fifth wave by Rick Yancey. The explanation of the silent agents among humans was what I found totally unrealistic, still love the characters and the story captured me bu that part was a disappointment. 

8. Needs fulfillment: a character who made all the wrong decisions. 
Four in the divergent series by Veronica Roth. I like him most of the time but really he made pretty bad decisions and well Tris did too, the miscommunication among them is just too much. 

9. Error code 12: a series that started off great but went downhill from there. 
I am sure there are some, but right now I am trying to figure it out and can't. 

10. The Sims vortex: a book/series that completely engrossed you. 
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. I just love that series!!

11. Who do you tag?
Anyone who wants to do this tag, consider yourself tagged!


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