Walking dead vol 7: The calm before

Author: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn, Tony Moore
Genre: Horror, graphic novel
Original publication date: September 2007
Book description: The world we knew is gone. The world of commerce and frivolous necessity has been replaced by a world of survival and responsibility. An epidemic of apocalyptic proportions has swept the globe, causing the dead to rise and feed on the living. In a matter of months society has crumbled: no government, no grocery stores, no mail delivery, no cable TV. In a world ruled by the dead, the survivors are forced to finally start living. Lori's pregnancy has come to term, and the birth is near. After everything they've been through, nothing can prepare Rick and the other survivors for what they are about to experience. A major turning point in the series is reached.

It is very realistic. The survivors are suffering, but this type of suffering is different. They are expectant of a repercussion of what happened in Woodbury, it does not come for weeks.
The crew starts to scout and get more weapons, but not only that, but they are also few in numbers so they start to train. Everyone who is able and accepts is trained,  practice makes perfect. Before the end of the world, as they knew it no one was handling guns, they didn't need to so it makes sense that they are bad at it. Initially, I was like, they're wasting ammo in trying to hit cans and walkers when they do not need to use it. My thoughts were: for walkers try physical approach, save ammo, but then again if you don't use guns it's not just pointing and shooting they have to get used to the feel and be able to shoot in a time of panic. It is thinking smart to have practice; first with zero pressure and then with a bit of added stress (walkers) to prepare people for a real fight. 
Even among the end of the world, we still manage to have relationship drama, among several different couples and it makes sense, no matter what's going on you still have a part of your brain concentrated on your person at all times. We have jealousy, we have wishes to start a family, we have people who would rather ignore something rather than face the fireworks of mistakes.

There are several deaths in this volume, no spoilers but wow was I surprised. I am saying it was unexpected the way it happened to a particular character. Not what I had expected. At this point I thought I was over the comparing tv series to the graphic novel and yet I am not. The character surprised me mainly due to the different portrayal they have in each one. But taking into account only the graphic novel, I am not very affected by it and its understandable, each person handles things very differently. 

The story even if in this one was facing no threats, damn that ending was done great, the whole chapter was so well done that by that cliff hanger I could not wait to get to the next!!

By the way picking up a graphic novel when I was taking so long to get through my two other physical books was the best idea, I felt so much better by having finished something finally!


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