Frankenbook Challenge

This tag I saw t in Jashana's channel, to see that one click here
She had tagged the original video or at least she saw it from [Ola Magick Reads]:

In this one, you take a list of your favorite book or some list you want and then generate random numbers and then use that book in to fill in the prompt order to build your book. (That's why it will be a Frankenstein book.)

I will use my read books from Good Reads and use an online random number generator. 

I will add the prompts and also the number that was used so you get an idea.
My read list has 786 books in it so we will have the number generator give us a number between 1 and 786.

 1- genre 
2- setting 
3- main character 
4- secondary characters 
5- villian/main issue 
6- trope 1 
7- trope 2 
8- trope 3 
9- writing style 
10- ending

So let's begin.

1. Genre Number generator provided the first option 570
Amazing Peace a Christmas Poem by Maya Angelou.
So this book is a Christmas / Poem. But this is going to be my story, a Christmas story.

2. Setting
Number 311 which is The infernal devices: Clockwork prince. This is set in London, Egland.

3. MC
Number 160
A horizon of dreams by Diego Sandoval. The MC is Alejandro a young man who falls heads over for a girl. 

4. Secondary character
Number 207
The last battle by C.S. Lewis part of the Narnia Chronicles. 
The Eustace Scrubb and Jill Pole, a very dedicated girl and so the story will have a lovely dedicated Jill.

5. Villain/Main issue.
Number 535
Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seannan McGuire.
So the main issue is that a girl comes back to a world where her mother was killed before she was conceived.

6. Trope 1
Number 488
My not so perfect life by Sophie Kinsella.
We have the girl pretending to have a certain lifestyle and have her illusion shattered. The other one is: The prince charming coming in to solve all issues.

7. Trope 7
Number 436
City of ghosts by V.E. Schwab
A newbie who has an ability and no idea of what to do, why or anything at all and meeting a mentor figure. 

8. Trope 8
Number 650
Divergent by Veronica Roth
The MC is mouse and weak compared to the rest. 

9. Writing style
Number 98
Going wild by Lisa McMann
A very easy to understand, straight to the point. It is a middle-grade style.

10. Ending
Timecaster by Joe Kimball
A very convenient ending.

So my book is:
A Christmas story in London, Alejandro meets Jill a girl who is having a hard time pretending her life is perfect but having a few setbacks, in this case, the lack of childbearing. She cannot be pregnant as she has no one. She discovers an ability to see ghosts and does not why this happens, she wanted a perfect little family and yet she is thrown into a situation she doe snot understand. But Alejandro is able to provide guidance and falls for her even if she has looks is barely average and nothing that catches the eye.
She ends up having a happy ever after, the man who is able to teach her to control her ability, who loves her and they marry, getting the surprise right in the last paragraph, they are starting a new family. An amazing surprise Jill is finally pregnant!


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