Walking Dead vol 8: Made to suffer

Author: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn, Tony Moore 

Genre: Horror, graphic novel
Original publication date: June 2008
Book description: The world we knew is gone. The world of commerce and frivolous necessity has been replaced by a world of survival and responsibility. An epidemic of apocalyptic proportions has swept the globe, causing the dead to rise and feed on the living. In a matter of months society has crumbled: no government, no grocery stores, no mail delivery, no cable TV. In a world ruled by the dead, the survivors are forced to finally start living. The series that created the zombie movement reaches its most pivotal, series-altering arc yet! They thought they were safe in the prison. They were wrong. A force far more deadly than the walking dead is at their door and when the dust settles, their rank will be reduced by more than half. No one is safe!


So right after the previous volume ended it was such a cliffhanger and I was already so invested that I didn't even stop. I had plans for the night, read one volume then continue ad finish one of the books I had been reading that was taking me over a week to get through (spoiler that book did not get finished).
I just picked up and continued. We see a little of life in Woodbury. What happened after Rick, Glenn, and Michonne left and how the Governor is such a good speaker. He rallies the townspeople, they follow like a true leader. HE is a good spokesman, he lies of course but he gives drama and is very believable, I mean as you read and see what really happens, well you know he's full of it, but if you only see that front, there is no reason to doubt him. 
The big difference is that he is not such a great leader, he does not prepare people to fight, he rallies them up and trusts his numbers to do the rest. He is not very well organized in that aspect and people do not feel great loyalty for him, they are normal people he never tried to get used to the idea of the new world, I get the feeling he was trying to keep them useless and completely dependant on him and his selected few. If you can't fend for yourself, you will live according to what he wants, as he is the only thing keeping you alive. Again that makes sense, many people get addicted to power.
By the way, I thought the Governor was weird, but in this volume you see him behave even crazier!

I was so invested in this, it's packed with fighting, with decisions, people get hurt, people get killed!
It is so hard to discuss this with no spoilers!
I waited to write this review, I ended both volumes one after the other but decided to give myself some time to gather my thoughts and it was useless because I am still very excited about it and yet can't discuss much without giving spoilers!

If this keeps up as time goes on I will not be able to write an individual review or all of them will pretty much look the same, no information just me gushing or complaining!

This is a super-fast read, full of intense reactions, you do not love the characters as much as the show but you do care about them and are very interested in what will happen.
In this volume, it ends once more in a big what will happen now! I stopped myself from going forward but in a few weeks or maybe next week who knows I'll have to pick up the next one to see where our main characters go from here.


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