You Are Not Alone

Authors: Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen 

Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Publication date: March 3, 2020
Book description: You probably know someone like Shay Miller. She wants to find love, but it eludes her.
She wants to be fulfilled, but her job is a dead end.
She wants to belong, but her life is so isolated.
You probably don’t know anyone like the Moore sisters.
They have an unbreakable circle of friends.
They live the most glamorous life.
They always get what they desire.
Shay thinks she wants their life.
But what they really want is hers.


Shay has a very regular life, she feels a bit off. Her life is not exactly where she wants it t be, she lost her job, she feels unwanted in her own home. Her roommate has a new girlfriend and the new person does not feel comfortable with a roommate of the opposite sex for her boyfriend. 
Shay's life changes unexpectedly when she witnesses a suicide, and just like that her life s transformed she sees her issues a bit petty and not so important. She is fixated with statics, so with this new development, she changes her topic for statics about depression, suicide, and other related topics.
Shay is starving for love, companionship and she gets swept into a series of lies and a web she does not know much about. 
The friends of the woman who committed suicide suspect Shay, but you do not know of what. The main players are the Moore sisters.

We have several storylines, one is the now, Shay talks her way into a few lies trying to explain her interest in a woman she never met in life. And then also we discover a bit of the life she had right before the desperate suicide act. 

It is played very well, one thing leading to another, Shay is not planning anything but she lets the Moore sisters direct her life and she finds herself in the middle of a web with very little options available for her.

It is a very intriguing story. 
I was very captured by the characters, Shay was a bit annoying in some places, as her mistakes and blunders made you nervous so if a book makes you worried about the character I count that as good.
The ending as not my favorite, it was all too convenient. A detective willing to listen to someone who has done nothing but take the wrong decisions one after the other, hard to believe.
There is really not much I can say without giving away the end so we'll leave it at that.

This book was picked simply because of Kayla and the Literally Dead Book Club from booksandlala. The live discussion is going to be sometime next month I forgot when exactly but we'll see it during the first week or week and a half. 


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