Bookish Bookin' Book Tag

So I was looking for Tags to try and found this one, it was around a while back but I think it sounds interesting.



1. What is a well loved book that you hated? 
Her body and other parties by Carmen Maria Machado.
I have a review of the book itself here the stories were very odd and maybe simply not my cup of tea, I really wanted to enjoy them but I ended up hating it. There were different ones but I did not enjoy any of them, I just had a very uncomfortable feeling in some of them. The topic of the short stories might be what I could not handle.

2. What is a guilty pleasure book? 
I am not sure what to categorize as a guilty pleasure. But I did really enjoy and still have good memories from reading Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. If I was to reread the series I guess I would still enjoy Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.  Since the first time I read them those were my favorites of the series. 

3. Have you ever spoiled a book for someone? If so, which book? 
Hard to say, the most recent one coming to mind is the wizard of Oz, but that is almost not fair, for most classics I was spoiled way before I plan to read the books. I do not Hate spoilers sometimes I watch reviews and even if they have spoilers.

4. What book made you ugly cry? 
I do not cry easily but sometimes I feel a lot and can't help but tear up a bit, the most  I have come to was shedding a lonely tear but I have never cried in a book.

5. What is your latest DNF? 
Alma de Robot by Allan Clarke. It is a short story but the writing was very dry and I could not make myself get through to the end. 

6. Which book have you read due to controversy? 
I have not really read a book because of it, not like I have never read a book with any controversy. But I do not pay that much attention to buzz about authors or books, and if there is a lot of it, I go out of my way to avoid it.  

7. Have you read a book where you questioned the authors' sanity?
No, I really can't say I have. I have read some stories that feature very odd premise or very crazy plot lines but that does not make me question the authors necessarily. 

 8. What is the most cringe-worthy book you've read? 
This would have to be Timecaster by Joe Kimball. I just disliked my experience reading this.

9. What book have you read sole due to the cover?
 I have picked many books based on cover the first to come to mind was Heartless a retelling of the Queen of Hearts.

10. Name a book you're embarrassed to admit you've read. 
I  can't say that I have one but maybe Captive Prince by C.S Pacat mainly due to the overly sexual tone (mainly unhealthy relationships). The world described here is greatly flawed but still, you can choose to concentrate on the main characters and their weird relationship developing until it they get together, though the slowness of the transformation from enemies, to prisoner to allies to maybe a couple is too long in my opinion. 

11. Name an unknown book you wish more people know of. 
Cartas por el cielo by Fabian Tapia, this is a very sweet romance of two unlikely people to meet and fall for each other and the hardships they had while trying to be together but it really doesn't have the typical relationship drama like love triangles. Its very sweet! Some of his works have been translated so maybe this one too.

12. Name a favorite villain. 
Warren from the shatter me series. 

13. Name a book you enjoyed that you read that is outside the norm of genre you usually read. 
Chernobyl 1:23:40 by Andrew Leatherbarrow a book discussing what could have led to and what happened during the tragedy.
Also, another nonfiction book of a tragedy I was overly surprised Night by Eli Wiesel, is a WWII of a survivor telling his experience.

14. Name tropes you actually enjoy reading.
The secret royalty and the chosen one, I really enjoy I don't really get tired of it XD


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