1-9 | Lalathon 1-30 | Mythothon 1-30 | #AtoZreadathon 1-30 | Read-a-thin 1-30 | Remember November 3 | Manga Readathon (starts at 10am MST on 3rd, and ends at 9.59am MST on 4th) 4-11 | Borrowathon 5-11 | #AYearathon (NaNoWriMo winners) 9-18 | HoHoHo Readathon 10-15 | Thanks-a-thon 17-18 | Create Your Own Readathon 17-18 | #ReadYourFaceOff Readathon (starts at 9am on 17th in YOUR timezone and lasts 24 hours) Nov 19 - Dec 2 | Christmas Spirit 22-28 | Duodecathon Readathons to consider participating in. 1-9 Lalathon- Readathon in which you will dedicate a certain amount of time to read or several books from BooksnadLaLa favorites of all time. List of favorite books of all time . Also, there is a good reads shelf where you can take a look at the options available to pick from. My picks *Furthermore, Tahereh Mafi *Every Heart a Doorway, Seanan McGuire 1-30 Mytothon Greek mythology-themed readathon. Rules one boo...
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