Orbiting Jupiter

Author: Gary D. Schmidt
Genre: Contemporary
Original publication date: October 2015
Book description: When Jack meets his new foster brother, he already knows three things about him:
Joseph almost killed a teacher.
He was incarcerated at a place called Stone Mountain.
He has a daughter. Her name is Jupiter. And he has never seen her.
What Jack doesn’t know, at first, is how desperate Joseph is to find his baby girl.
Or how urgently he, Jack, will want to help.
But the past can’t be shaken off. Even as new bonds form, old wounds reopen. The search for Jupiter demands more from Jack than he can imagine.

I expected this to be very similar to the letters to the lost, in the way that I felt this was going to have very sensitive topics and try to punch you in the emotional gut. But I was expecting it to be still pretty light. 
I have so many feelings on this, the ending OMG that ending!!

This felt so real and so not at the same time. 
We have a teen who was in s tight situation for several reasons some of his doing and most well just bad luck. 
He faces prejudice, he finds a caring family and yet he still has to take shit from classmates, people of authority, his own father...And random strangers really.
This whole story makes you feel. It is done in a way that you connect with Joseph, with Jack and you start to wonder how so many things could pile up to someone.

I really enjoyed this, there were very specific things I was like, nop bad idea. But then again it makes perfect sense, this is a 14-year-old, yes it makes perfect sense, preteens are not known to analyze situations and make the best ones. 

Again that ending, so cliche and it felt so right!

Really loved this story and to top it off this is another one I picked at random because I liked the cover and it was the first audiobook that came up and I was in a hurry to pick the next read XD


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