Shouting in the rain

Author: Lydia Mullaly Hunt
Genre: Contemporary
Original publication date: May 2019
Book description: Delsie loves tracking the weather--lately, though, it seems the squalls are in her own life. She's always lived with her kindhearted Grammy, but now she's looking at their life with new eyes and wishing she could have a "regular family." Delsie observes other changes in the air, too--the most painful being a friend who's outgrown her. Luckily, she has neighbors with strong shoulders to support her, and Ronan, a new friend who is caring and courageous but also troubled by the losses he's endured. As Ronan and Delsie traipse around Cape Cod on their adventures, they both learn what it means to be angry versus sad, broken versus whole, and abandoned versus loved. And that, together, they can weather any storm.


Initially, I really dislike Delsie. She is a young girl, going on that age leaving behind childhood and struggling on where to fit. She lives with her Grandma and she starts to question her about the absent mother. She behaves very childishly in some ways, but then again she has a lot on her plate.
I will accept that at some point was annoyed by her actions, but it makes sense with what she is going through and her age. She is growing and learning, as the story goes on she starts to mature.
Ronan is also another boy who comes into the picture, with his own baggage and bad decisions which he must learn and face on his own. 
There are a few characters and they all have something happening on their background. You get to see them in their ok moments, their fears and also see them when they are showing their best qualities. 

It was a nice read and even if it is meant for a younger audience it is very good in my opinion at least.

I used this for the Winter Magical Readathon the prompt Read a book that starts with an S.
I really just took Scrib and looked for a book starting with S that was in audio format 'cause that was the format I wanted to start my next book in, it was luck and I was very pleased with the result of my random choice.


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