TBR Drawing Game

So first thing let's review how we did on the last game.

Yes, I managed only 4 out of 8. 
Two others were begun, one was a DNF and the other was put down for later. But there were still 2 more that were not even begun at all.

Let's hope we win the next game.

Si First how many draws for this round.

Let's begin

#1 Retelling
Roseblood, A.G. Howard
This is a Phantom of the Opera retelling, I have seen it mentioned in Booktube but not as of late, so we'll see. 

#2 Mexican Author
Los de Abajo (The ones below) Mariano Azuela
This is a story written by a medic who was involved in the Mexican revolution and I believe this one is about his experience in the conflict.

#3 Grimm Tales
The # of stories picked is 3, but last month I did not read the ones I was supposed to so let's add them.
I will have to read:
-The Frog King or Iron Henry
-Cat and mouse in partnership
-Our lady's child
-The story of the youth who went forth to learn what we fear
-The world and the seven little kids
-Faithful John
-The good bargain

-The wonderful magician

#4 Adult Fantasy
The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien
No need to do an intro for this one, but I have to get to this super popular fantasy world. The first book was chosen as an intro to the world. Hope that is a good idea. 

#5 Dystopia/Utopia
Year One, Nora Roberts.
After a sudden sickness spread over all the world and the world as it was known ended. How will the people still alive survive? No government, no goals, no savage on the horizon. 
It sounds very intriguing. 

#6 Most recent buy
Mary Poppins, P.L. Travers

#7 Over 500 pages
El juego del Angel (The angel's game), Carlos Ruiz Zafon
This book is set in Spain in the 20s a young writer is asked to write a book like no other, but there are secrets lurking in the shadows. It sure will be exciting and mysterious.

I wanted to squeeze the book Hannibal Rising, Thomas Harris the third book in the companion series for Hannibal. But it's hard to decide as I still need to figure out the TBR for the Winter Magical Readathon. 


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