2019 Series part 2

So because there were a lot of series started this year we had to split it up in two. Again in no particular order.

Eblus, Care Santos. A magical realism story or maybe paranormal depending on where you fit a story of demons who are after all the descendants of a family. A demon is targeting a family, and they all face a very bad ending until one of them is blessed by the demon but a whole series of things are unleashed when you play with otherworldly powers. This is interesting, I have only read the very first one and need to pick up the rest of the series.

The Witchlands, Susan Dennard.
This series is a fantasy story where people have different abilities a girl whose power is very sought after is thrown into a political power struggle and she does not know who or what to trust. 
We have the start of maybe a slight romance, but mainly a friendship between two girls who will fight against anything and everything and stay loyal to each other. I really need to continue the series, after all I have only read the very first book.

Serpent & Dove, Shelby Mahurin
The story of a witch hunter and a witch as they come together after being forced to marry. I have read only a single book, but I do not know how many there will be in total.
I will continue to read it, the magic system and the political struggle between the magical people and the humans, well that certainly picked my interest. 

The diabolic, SJ Kincaid
A sci fi story of a girl who is designed to protect her charge at any cost. But the due to a few surprising events she ends up in a place where the people around her do not know what she is and she starts to question if feelings are inherently human or if her kind, the diabolic, are capable of them. I read only one book but really want to pick up the second or maybe I will wait for the third to be published and read them back to back. 

Going wild, Lisa McMann.
This is a middle-grade story of a few kids who get a device that grants them the abilities of different animals and as usual, there is a huge evil organization that has nefarious plans and they are the only ones who have found out the threat. 
I really want to continue but there is no rush for it.

Grim Reaper, Christopher Moore.
We suffered here another big disappointment. In this story a man is recruited to act as death, his job is to collect the souls of people an then take the object where they are stored and guard those objects until the right person comes along.  Also, his daughter somehow is blessed with the gift of, well spoiler. This is interesting but it has too much comedy and not the kind that I enjoy. This series will not be continued.  I am not even sure if I will pick up another book by this author, his writing style is just not for me. 

His Dark Materials, Phillip Pullman. This is a great children's story in a world where people have an animal companion and something starts to happen to the children. Lyra, an orphan girl is right in the middle as she comes to possess an object that can help her find the missing children. 
It is a nice story, I had read only the first one, then this year again I reread the story in order to try to complete the series, again I did not. I need to in 2020.

Dorothy must die, Danielle Paige. This story is interesting it has a lot of nonsense and the girl who is dragged to Oz, knows about the story and yet when she gets to the promised land of Oz everything is very different and dark. She is not sure who really is the bad and who is good, nor what to do about it. It is interesting yet not too high on my priority list. 
I have only read the first one so we'll see when we pick the next one. 

Vicious Deep, Zoraida Cordova. This is a story with a merman which in itself is interesting enough I don't see many of those. It is about a boy who discovers this part of himself that he never even suspected, and he is thrown into a competition he did not even want to be part of it. Again I just read the very first book and it feels like only an introduction so I need to pick the next one in order to get a better opinion of the story as a whole.

Kiss Quotient, Helen Hoang. This series I really do not think I will continue. The characters are not to my liking, well at least as a couple I do not like them, but I did enjoy them per separate especially in their interactions with their families.

Howl's moving castle, Diana Wynne Jones. This was a very annoying and enjoyable first book at the same time. I want to read the companion novels as well. I read only the first but in middle priority, I want to read them.

Midnight Thief, Livia Blackburne. This is a fantasy story of a girl who has a talent for thieving and yet in her adventure she discovers things about herself that she did not expect. 
But she cannot join those like her and stay with those who have been her family all her life, so she must make a choice and it is much more complicated than that.

Goosebumps, RL Stain. I remember reading some of the books but so long ago that I do not even remember anything other than I liked them. So I read one at random not even the #1 XD but I will slowly continue to make my way through them.

The dreamer's trilogy, Maggie Stiefvater. This was a very hyped book I was afraid to start because maybe it was going to be disappointing. It was awesome, my favorite character and we got introduced to new people and a whole new society/government agency that is hunting down people. It is an awesome opening of a new series. I can't wait for the next one.

Green Town, Ray Bradbury. So I read only Something wicked this way comes, it was a good read but nothing that blew me away. Again I still need to read more classics and get used to the style but I'm getting there, so I will continue going through this. Another those situations of not too high priority but I want to do it eventually.

The cemetery of forgotten books, Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
This is interesting especially because its composed of companion novels or at least that's the way I see it. I have read only one book and it was not the shadow of the wind XD I have acquired only two books and have read only one so far, the prisoner of heaven, and I really liked it, now I need to pick up the next ones. 

This wraps up the series I have started this year. The rereads are not going to be included here due to the fact that they reread and there are already too many things included here. As you can see there were some that I really liked but due to time management issues I did not continue and others that simply are not too high on my list. We'll see how many of them we finish before the end of 2020.

For the sake of making this even a little bit more accessible to read I will be making a separate post of manga/comic/graphic novels started this year. I can't include it here, it is already way longer than what I am comfortable. 


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