November Reading Wrap up

This month I actually tried to read all my TBR and accomplish some of the missing books for my personal challenges. Not all of my plans worked but oh well.

Let's get into the stats:

Readathons I participated in:

9 Challenges
11 Books finished

1 Challenge
2 Books read

1 Challenge
2 Books read

*Tome Topple
1 Challenge
1 Book read

*The one readathon to rule them all
5 Challenges
2 Books read

So let's give an overall stats of the books read this month.

I am trying to track different aspects of my reading as you're about to see. Everything is very self-explanatory. 

2019 Reading Challenges:

Pages Read:
Total pages read: 8056
Average per book: 350
Average per day: 268


Book Genre:


Star rating:

The story takes place in:

Year of publication:


Interesting reading month really, it was a bit slow on the middle but the last few days did make a good dent on the TBR.
I have been actually been reading more audio and digital books than my traditional books, which is a complete turn on my usual format pick for my reading. 

So in the end there were several books that I did not read this month and even if I did try my best to finish them on time it did not work really, but oh well lately I never actually finish reading all the books in my initial TBR XD

So we have a new bookish resolution.
I will continue to pay the subscription for Scribd and start paying attention to the Kindle store to try to continue to pick offers on digital books, as it is what I have been reading the most lately. 

I will need to start unhauling books soon as I am not able to fit the anymore on my shelves, so next TBR I need to prioritize reading the traditional books to be able to judge the stacks of books sitting in my living room, in order to be able to decide if keeping them or not. 

We'll see how that goes, December is usually a very busy month so I'm not sure how much reading I'll be able to get done.


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