A boy called Christmas

Author: Matt Haig
Genre: Fantasy
Original publication date:
Book description: You are about to read the true story of Father Christmas. It is a story that proves that nothing is impossible.
If you are one of those people who believe that some things are impossible, you should put this book down right away. It is most certainly not for you.
Because this book is FULL of impossible things.

It is very easy to get into this book. It starts with the typical boy who has a tragic past, his mother. The family is struggling economically. A boy who through it all has a very optimistic attitude. 
He has an impossible adventure and his happy ending is very predictable yet the road life takes him in order to get to the discovery of who he is, well that story is definitely worth reading.

We have people making decisions based on the wrong intentions, be it despair, fear, etc.  Yet we have most people have a good spot deep inside them? 
There is a long way or shorter way until people find themselves. Everyone is different and that is ok.

I was not planning on reading this but as I was watching Booktube and Gavin mentioned it on his TBR and it was right there on Scribd so I downloaded it and then before I realized I was already playing it on my way to work and then I just couldn't give it up so I had to finish it.

I really enjoyed it.


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