Poems of Peace

Author: James Allen

Genre: Poetry
Original publication date: April 2013
Book description: The collection Poems of Peace consists of the long lyrical/dramatic poem "Eolaus", together with 37 shorter poems. As in all his other works, the author's focus is on the inevitable spiritual pilgrimage that all men must, sooner or later, undergo. In verse that is trenchant and often compellingly aphoristic, Allen describes the pitfalls and glories of the path, occasionally genuflecting to the masters who have blazed the way for humanity to follow. This recording is of the 37 shorter poems. Narrated by Andrew Farrell .


It is very interesting. I heard this simply because it is a very short collection. It feels nice and slow-moving, yet it has arts that hit you emotionally and make you feel anxious yet ok. 
I enjoyed some very much yet others felt much more religion heavy topic that did not vibe with me. Like in collections, you have some that completely move you and you love yet others are just meh and do not connect with you at all.
But still enjoyed it very much, this type of more traditional poetry sit well with me even if the topic was not my favorite.
It is worth mentioning that we do have a wide range of different beliefs explored it is not simply focusing on religion but more like spirituality in general. 

As mentioned before, in the middle of the month my reading spree dies down and worse off, I am not even reading the books that I included in my initial TBR so not great.
I did try to get off the small kick of slump that I felt coming and yet there were very little books capturing my attention and not even really because they're bad books, but because I am not feeling like starting or continuing anything. 

Spoiler, I already DNFed a book and others I started only like a chapter or two and stopped, those will not even be counted as DNF I did not get far into it like to make it count.


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