Magical Readathon Winter 2019 Chapter 5

So we have the last chapter of this fun readathon.
Obviously, the book is going to be the first book of 2020.

So now things have slowed down, a little weekend where many students will be going home, the perfect opportunity for a party at the dorms. 

So we're having a nice day in playing games.

Neville has plans and you actually do get a little bit in the way, so we go back to the castle.

On the way, you see the message that the chamber of secrets has been opened and now we need:

So we panic for a bit and we get the first prompt:

Read a book from the topmost shelf, either on you own one or from the library.

So yeah this is the second book in the story of Yuna, a teenager who while visiting her mother in Germany, gets transported to a fantastical land and expected to become the queen.

Run up to the headmaster's office but it empty. You suddenly realize it's in Myrtle's bathroom.


According to Hermione, in order to get in her good side you need to share something embarrassing about yourself.

She shares her story.
Important question:

So we are missing a huge advantage.

Something funny happens. A sensation like that time at the zoo. But you ask it to open up.

The chosen one here is The testaments, Margaret Atwood. The second book in the handmaid tales.

It opens and you enter the chamber.

Run, we need to find Ginny.

Ran into blue pixes, tons of them. Immobulus!

Continue, we found Ginny up ahead, run towards her.

Tom Marvolo Riddle shows himself.

The basilisk!

You ask Dobby to stay away so he doesn't get hurt. He brings you the hat.

The first that comes to mind is A game of thrones, George RR Martin. 

The sword shows up, the fight.
Ginny wakes up!
Go back to the castle.

Finally over!


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