2019 Series part 1

As mentioned before this year had a goal to get more into series and finishing them. I did end up starting a lot of series yet I did not finish many as the previous post showed us.

Let's get into the series we started this year. For the simplicity of gather data, I will include all the series that I started from January to November. This will have no particular order and will include mainly my feelings on the story as a whole more than a description of what happens in them. (Again this makes it easier to write and also it is very intimidating when you see a huge post of hundreds of words, so let's keep it nice and short for both our sakes.)

Lightbringer, Brent Weeks.
I have read only 3 books, I found this by chance it was a recommendation from Booktube and I just started it because it was on audio in Scribd. I really like the magic system based on colors and the religion/ideology that by using your power eventually you must give up your life before your mind is lost. 

Magisterium, Holly Black & Cassandra Clare.
This is a middle-grade story that I started because I found the first 3 books in a box set and it was very cheap. I really thought it was a trilogy and big surprise I realized my mistake until I had finished the three of them. I still need to read the last 2 books.
It is a very interesting take on the magic school and the chosen one. In this case, we do a reverse main character. Saying the reason would be a spoiler so I will not be specific but we have a lovely trio friendship and adventure and a very interesting chosen one and the main villain that surprises you. 

Mistborn, Brandon Sanderson.
This is again a booktube recommendation. It is a fantasy world where in order to perform the abilities you need to ingest metal. It sounded so bizarre when I heard about it and I had no idea what to expect. I really enjoyed it, even if I have only read one book, I still need to get to the next 2 before I am able to jump into the next trilogy.

The Epic Crush of Genie Lo, FC Yee.
This is a very funny story of a girl who finds herself being wooed very openly by a weird boy. She has never been very close to her heritage and yet now the legends are coming to life. 
I read the first book and need to catch up with the next one, but I am not in a hurry this is just something to be on the background to read sometime semi soon.

Delirium, Lauren Oliver.
I read this trilogy and it was ok but not my favorite. I got really annoyed with the second book and I simply forgot to ick the next and last book. There is a very annoying "love" struggle between three different teens that do not behave much to my liking. 
In this world, there is very strict control of people all in the hope of destroying the worst disease of Love, the worst of worst sins.
If you do not get cured you go mad and are the scum of society. But then well there are always people who fight the system.

Professor Challenger, Arthur Connan Doyle.
This was very dry writing like most of the classics, but it is a very interesting story. I definitely did not read anything other than the first one but I will eventually get to it. Especially because I intend to catch up on as many classics as I can, well at least read the ones that catch my attention. 

I hunt killers, Barry Lyga.
This is a mystery thriller YA story about a boy whose father was a serial killer and he was training since childhood on the best methods of killing, getting rid of bodies etc. 
But in this one, we follow him as he tries to use that knowledge to catch another serial killer that start to hunt near his home town. It is not very realistic but enjoyable. I want to read at least the second one before I decide if finishing the series or not. 

Eurona duology, Wendy Higgins.
This story has a very classic fairy tale feel to it. A princess is going to marry the man who manages to save the kingdom from certain danger. It has the classical the girl is the damsel in distress, so that felt a bit annoying but I still want to read the second one.  
I really want to read it and besides like the shallow person I am I want to pick the second one because the covers are gorgeous. 

Precious stone trilogy, Kerstin Gier.
A YA fantasy story of a girl whose family always produces a member with the magical ability to time travel. In her generation, her cousin was the ONE and she was trained since childhood. Yet at the time of the wakening, the magical ability comes to her instead.
Another series I read only the first one and I really wanted to finish i but then time was against me and never picked up the next. 

Witch & Wizard, James Patterson and other authors in each of the installments. 
It is another YA fantasy story that I am taking a very long time to finish. There is a world where limitations prohibit everything some education, music, art, etc and overall magic. There is a pair of siblings who are the chosen ones, they are stronger than anyone and they are destined to defeat the One.
It has too much drama and not a really huge plot so I am moving slowly. 

Timecaster, Joe Kimball.
This is one of the series that have a very interesting theme and make me want to read it and yet the execution proves that this is not for me. The story starts with crime getting committed in a place where crimes are no longer violent, as the time manipulation makes it impossible to get away with them. 
Space can be manipulated to show the past, and so the responsible one can never hide. Yet there is a way to trick that, one that no one has ever seen before and our main character is a detective who is framed and is pulled into a huge chase of the criminal.
But there is a lot of unnecessary sexual content that really made hate the story. 

Trials of Apollo, Rick Riordan.
The story continues now with Apollo cast down as a human teenager and no power who needs to save the gift of prophecy. I have read only the first one, now I need to find the others.

Vicious, VE Schwab.
The story is very different from what I expected. It is about two men who hate each other and think the other is the bad guy. They used to be friends, but after getting superpowers that had a very negative effect on their minds. 
There are several people who get tangled in their fight and they stop at nothing in order to see the other go down. 

Mateo Alacran, Nancy Farmer.
This is a very good story. There is a boy who s raised in isolation by a very rich man who controls a lot of people, territory and who has the government in his pocket. Mateo is someone you see grow and feel a huge connection to. I loved it! I really need to buy the second book and read it as soon as possible.


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