June 2020 Wrap up
Very interesting month, it was a very different situation from last month. This time we were not able to complete the books included in the initial TBR. WHY? Hard to know, I lost the drive, I got into a slight slump, I was having a hard time making myself pick up the books, not because I was not enjoying them, I had a very good reading month, I had a lot of 4 stars actually. It was a very odd situation. The number of books read was ok, the problem was that I picked other books that I had intended! Let's get into it, I just love stats: Here I do not include the books I had in the TBR but didn't get to. In case, anyone is wondering, there are 8 books that I didn't manage to even start from the original list. From that: It looks like I had very good luck by picking up books this month. On average we had 4.4 stars. Also, I have been trying to keep in mind some aspects of the authors, just trying to make things a bit more diverse. It was a very average month reading-wise an...